Oops! Sorry Stumpy! I didn't mean to wake you up!
Jim, who shares his art at Draw the Dog has a special creation for shelters and rescues today.
"Open Your Heart..." was created for "dog shelters and rescues. Any such group can have this cartoon “draw itself” on your website, just like it does on ours! We hope this will turn your website into an even more engaging and eye-catching site. Just use this form to request the HTML code that makes this possible. You can also request a JPEG to put this cartoon on any product or promotional item (newsletter, poster, etc.) you like."

Thanks, Jim! You and your art are awesome! Thanks to Bruce, too, who handles all the details and logistics.
She's one good sleeper. Good at giving 'the look' as well. : )
'The look' is pawesome!
Woo go Stumpy!
We want to thank woo fur having shared that site in the past - we hadn't enkhountered it before and now we khan't imagine our day without it -
Today's is just inkhredible!
Stumpy what is up with Mom waking you. You were probably having some sweet dreams...
That art work is beautiful...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Sweet dreams, Stumpy!
Oh Sandra, if you could only see some of the looks I get. And the Berner? It's a wonder he's still alive!
Khyra, Draw the dog is awesome isn't it? glad you're loving it!
Heelers, whatever those dreams were there was chasing and whining involved.
Pat, As spoiled as Stumpy is, I can't imagine her dreams would be anything but sweet!
Stumpy looked so content - that flashy beast always wakes up up too.
Mom saw that Draw the Dog cartoon today too - wasn't it just such a powerful message!?
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
OP Pack, it's the price you pay when you're a star, I guess!
Draw the dog is the awesomest!
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