But now she has help
As supervisors, sometime they must go out into the field
"C'mon! Get up here! We've gotta make sure the job meets quality control standards!"
The poop scooper better be doing a good job. Now she's got two bosses to answer to.
Canine wisdom

That cartoon so fits todays mood.
I am waiting for rain to slow so I can begin my "scouting and scooping" duties.
Pace yourselves!
Nice woo's of wisdom!
And don't forget to check out the perimeters for intruders:)
Great cartoon - made us laugh right out loud.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Stumpy you are such a good guard dog. Keep the Berner in line..
WE love the joke...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Two very intrepid supervisors, for sure. And the cartoon explains many things!
dogsmom, one of the very few advantages to living in the desert is how fast the poop dries... On the other hand, it's a very rare occasion that I can put off poop scooping due to the weather.
Khyra, don't worry! Stumpy is the only one that moves with any speed around here!
OP Pack, not to worry! the perimeter is secure! Glad you enjoyed the cartoon!
Heelers, I don't think Stumpy has a hard time keeping the Berner in line, since he doesn't like to move too much!
Pat, the cartoon explains many things, doesn't it?
That thought for the day sums up my workweek...
LWD, it's perfect, isn't it?
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