It all began on Sunday, June 8, 2008. Khyra got her mom up early, gave her the keys to the XTerra and sent her on a journey that continues to this day.
While you and I sleep-in/relax/do our own thing on the weekends, Khyra sends her mom, in her XTerra, to help other dogs on their way to find forever homes. Although no one is counting, I estimate that these weekend journeys have aided, at the very least, 104 dogs (that would be one dog a weekend, but each transport is more likely to be between 2 and 4 dogs and sometimes a cat!) The acutal number is probably closer to 300 dogs that have ridden in Khyra's XTerra on the way to their-happily-ever after. There are usually at least two dogs being transported, at a time. Sometimes more than one transports for more than one rescue, and more than one road trip on a weekend! You can check out Khyra's Photobucket to see some of the beautiful dogs Khyra has helped.
We all do what we can do to "paw it forward," and make the world a better place for our four-legged companions. Phyl, with Khyra's blessing and her XTerra, makes this journey almost every weekend, to give others a chance at a great life. I would like to help. And I would like you to help Stumpy help her.
"Khyra's Khatch Me If You Khan Khontest," will do just that. Send me a video of your four-legged Khompanion khatching as many treats in a row, as possible. The winner will have a $50.00 gas card donated, in their name, to Khyra's XTerra Transport. They'll also receive a batch of Stumpy's favorite homemade pumpkin/banana/peanut butter cookies (without the banana, if you prefer) and a Petsmart/Petco/Walmart gift card...depending on when I can get out of dirtville and where I go.
Send your bloopers in case there is a booby prize!
The rules are simple.
1) Email your video: giantspeckledchihuahuaatlivedotcom (replace the "at" with "@" and "dot" with "." )
2) Include your blog name and url.
3) Video must be raw,unedited and uploaded to YouTube
4) The khatches MUST be counted outloud, on the video.
5) Title the video with the Khatcher's name (the 4-legged) and the number of khatches.
5) If you improve your score, go ahead and enter again.
Khontest begins today (Thursday, May 27) and ends Monday, June 7 at midnite EST.
All video's will be posted to Khyra's Khatch Me If You Khan Khontest blog
Khontest begins today (Thursday, May 27) and ends Monday, June 7 at midnight EST.
Can you beat Stumpy?

Drama Llamas, cheaters and other evil doers, PLEASE, stay away.
Will there be bonus points awarded fur khatching khats and/or skhwirrels?
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: We'll share this on Friday's Blog!
you betcha STUMPY!anything to help out miss khyra! ok, must beat eight must beat eight..
peeses: no llama dramas! kool!
What a wonderfully fun idea!
Very generous Stumpy and Mom.
And entertaining for the rest of us.
Thanks Khyra's Mom, for all you do.
We are a rescue family and salute and appreciate you.
Oh, Stumpy! Eight treats! You're good girl! Our Taco, bless his little soul, could have given you a run for the money. He was a very good treat-catcher.
What a great contest idea!
I shared this on my blog and FB pages today. I also tell about another contest, so plese stop over.
And, yes, I got myself into a little trouble. Sometimes I say too much when I think out loud.
Yippee skippee! Hi there! I'm new to your bloggie but I heard about your contest from dogsmom. I luvs Khyra and her mom and think they do the bestest stuff for other doggies! And I think this is a Most Wonderful thing of you to do! Me and my Brudder Ranger are pretty good catchers but we might have to do a little bit of training for this one!
Wiggles & Wags,
Great idea for a great cause. Khyra and her Mom do a lot of good on those weekend trips.
Mom says Dakota was the good catcher here. TD lets them bounce off his nose, Phantom could care less about food, and Ciara - well, she hasn't tried it yet:)
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What a wonderful thing to do. Mom will have to try and borrow Sis's video camera...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khyra, we could make another category...
Tula, Stumpy has been DQ'd. She threw a little tantrum and you know how I feel about drama llamas!
Calsidyrose, I've just officially given Taco an honorary mention!
Dogsmom, thanks so much for spreading the word! Any of your big guys game?
Mayziegal, thanks for stopping by our blog! Send in those practice videos, too! You never know!
OP Pack. Off the nose is good, I am goiing to test the Berner later with that. You shoud start Ciara now, she could be a star! Well, more of a star!
Heelers...just tell sis to bring marley and the video camera over so marley can enter, too!
We gave it a try just now, without video.
They said they would love to practice as much as I want them to.
That's a very generous, unique, KHOOL idea. I think I'll set aside Marge's dinner some time this week for this purpose. Using kibble isn't a DQ, is it?
What a wonderful idea!! Stumpy you are very good at catching treats! We haven't done a lot of that so will have to practice a bit.
Khyra's mom does a great thing & Khyra is very special to agree to her mom doing it.
That is absoltely fabulous.. Khyra's mum is the greatest for what she does. I cant enter this because I am a cat but will watch with pleasure toi see the others.. Brilliant contest.. Hugs GJ xx
Dogsmom, bloopers are a good thing! send the video!
Sam, kibble is fine. Whatever works!
bbes tribe, I'm looking forward to a video that show's you're practicing! Or your bloopers!
GJ, it's tuff being a cat some days! Although, I think you have quite a life!
Wow that is an awesome competition! Khyra and her Mom are wonderful helping all those doggies! and Stumpy is fantastic at catching those treats! erm I don't know how to do that - but I'll give it a go anyway!
your pal,
Hello Stumpy,
We found you via Khyra and we are glad we did! Too bad we got to know about the contest a but too late. We were not able to prepare a video. Well, not that we can be sure to beat 8 treats. Frappie sure wanted to try next time.
So nice of you to do this contest.
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & the Piappies
Hi Stumpy. Sorry I am so late getting over to your blog but we just did this big thing called moving so I am super duper behind on my blogs!! I don't know if Mommy can find the camera in a box in time for this contest but we commend you for holding and and I will add you to our googlie reader and keep up with you and maybe I can enter your NEXT contest!!
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