As a founding member of the Dome Rock Pack,Stumpy had many responsibilities at the RTR. The one that kept her busiest was the never ending Lap Tests.
Johnny scored a five out of five kitties for being the most accommodating.
This vote was unanimously agreed upon, by the entire pack.
Of course, a lap and a smile is a wonderful thing. Bryce scored extra points for his smile.
Kat's Lap scored very high in all categories!
Bryce's lap was rechecked, frequently.
Tish's lap passed muster.
Stumpy was extra squirmy while checking Brian's lap. In the end, Brian passed, too.
Mike's lap was a little on the bony side
But, with some adjustments, he passed with flying colors!
Fenway was there to learn the finer points of the Lap Test.
Jenn must have a great lap because Stumpy kept going back for more.
Joanne, a lap Stumpy knows well, passed without a problem!
Stumpy bestows kisses and bonus points on those really nice laps! Meaning the ones that belong to humans who let her get away with everything.
Not mentioning any names, but...
Stumpy found Linda's lap especially comfortable, at the fire
Stumpy wasn't the only dog testing laps.
Tony is an expert, when it comes to finding a good lap
Stella is also an accomplished lap tester
Fenway doesn't have any mad lap testing skillz, but he does know how to suck up!
Because his boy always made sure Fenway knew he was lovable.
That's MY boy!!!
Love and miss you, Will! (you, too, Fenway!)