Please send some healing vibes, prayers, good mojo and/or whatever else you've got to my buddies over at
Dream Valley Ranch. Smrpie has been doctoring
Chloe, a wild and charmed mustang for the better part of three weeks. Chloe is rallying but is not out of the danger zone.

Then, in the early hours of the morning,
13 year old Count Basie aka the Woodle woke up vomiting, and then collapsed.

I know your good thoughts, prayers, etc. will be appreciated!
(I pronounce that "Smurp pie" in my head) is one of the founders of the
Huppie Syndicate. The Huppie Syndicate was kind enough to list Alf on their petfinder list and offered to help with his vet bill, too! Although, their main focus is horses, Smrpie has taken in a lot of dogs, considered to be unadoptable and given them a life that I could only dream of!
If you want to know someone that works miracles and moves mountains for the animals, read the DVR blog from the
beginning. Mrs. and Mr. Smrpie go above and beyond!
My little trials and tribulations and my angst with regard to returning to dirtville seem so inconsequential...
The wind blowing across the desert were more brutal than usual. The truck was constantly being buffeted by high winds and watching 18-wheelers ziggin' and zaggin' on the highway took it's toll on me. No pictures were taken on the road, today. both hands were on the wheel at all times!
As much as I can't stand the thought of returning to Dirtville, I can't wait to be off the road.
Stumpy supervised while I threw our stuff in the truck, this morning.

I guess she thought I could handle the job on my own because I caught her napping on the job (yet again)

I'm recovering, Stumpy's in my face (literally) bugging me for a walk and her dinner...

2390 miles down, 437ish miles to go
Stumpy got her walk BEFORE I finished this post! We know who wears the pants in this family!