Maybe she's over her disappointment at not making the scene at Khamp Khyra. Khyra's Kheeper and chauffeur dedicated Saturdays' transport, a malinois named Miller, in our honor! (You can check out his photobucket album, complete with videos by clicking on his name)

I know that helped me to feel better about missing Khyra, Merdie and Harley. I'm sure it perked Stumpy up!
We ran into some pretty strong thunder and lightning. Stumpy's recovering
1,253 miles down, 1,585ish miles to go.
Go Stumpy Go!!!
We are glad to see Miller helped inspire woo!
The three of us - wait, the four of us - are still sulking but next year will be here 'soon'
PeeEssWoo: Mom says she thought Saturday's deer khount was bad - today was even uglier - one was pawtikhularly gruesome - plus, there have been lots of rakhkhoons too - hope woo don't have more stormy weather stuffs
Stumpy you are a world class travel companion. Too bad you didn't get to go to Kamp Khyra but being inspired by Miller is good.
Stumpy, you are a brave dog. I don't like thunder one bit! You are one heck of a co-pilot!
Love reading the updates on where you're at and where you've been. Baxter is mopey since Stumpy left, and Dennis and I are missing you both ALOT.
Love you tons,
Yes that sounds brave to me. I bet the thunder was loud and the lightning bright :-)
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