We brought Theo (aka Theodora, Dora the Explora or "THE ONE") home on Saturday. I've been attempting to create a blog post, since then but blogger continues to refuse to cooperate.
Stumpy would like to give you the nickel tour.
"Come on in! Wipe your paws and take off your shoes, please."
"Here's my couch!"
"It looks much better with me, on it! Don't you think? It's great that we're both blue!"
"We've got a couple of chairs. They're grey, but we still match pretty good."
"Here's what it looks like from the back looking to the front."
"Here's where we will eat (if it's raining)"
"Where's dinner! I'm hungry!"
"Here's where my slave/chauffeur makes my food and does the dishes."
"I don't know what all goes on in here, the door is usually closed"
"Oh! And here's where I, the Navigator-In-Chief sits!"
Thanks, Stumpy! Nicely done!
I have no idea when we'll hit the road, full-time. I am hoping for January but I need to replenish my savings so we have an emergency funds and a cushion.
As I said, blogger has been horrible, for months now. We still read your posts and comment when we can, when blogger lets us. At some point I'll probably open a wordpress blog :( and combine two of my blogs. I'll keep you posted. Comments are still closed, because I can't respond to your comments (ON MY OWN FREAKING BLOG; NOT EVEN ANONOMOUSLY!!!!) Spellcheck is not working either, so forgive any mistakes, please. Maybe I should say anymore than usual.
And a road song for you (YIKES! Does this ever take me back!)
I'm going home
And when I want to go home, I'm going mobile
Well I'm gonna find a home on wheels, see how it feels,
Goin' mobile
Keep me moving
I can pull up by the curb,
I can make it on the road,
Goin' mobile
I can stop in any street
And talk with people that we meet
Goin' mobile
Keep me moving
Out in the woods
Or in the city
It's all the same to me
When I'm driving free
The world's my home
When I'm mobile
Play the tape machine
Make the toast and tea
When I'm mobile
Well, I can lay in bed with only highway ahead
When I'm mobile
Keep me moving
Keep me moving
Over fifty
Keep me groovin'
Just a hippie gypsy
Come on move now
Keep me movin' yeah
Keep me movin', movin', movin', yeah
Movin' yeah
Mobile, mobile, mobile, mobile....
I don't care about pollution
I'm an air-conditioned gypsy
That's my solution
Watch the police and the taxman miss me!
I'm mobile!
Mobile, mobile, mobile, yeah
"Goin' Mobile" Pete Townshend/The Who from "Who's Next," released in 1971