Last night we had hail, for hours. The hail stones ranged in size from pea-sized stones to golf balls. It made for a dangerous last walk, and Stumpy was not thrilled (and she didn't do her business, either.)
The thunder roared and the lightning lit up the sky for hours.

Stumpy has still not recovered from the thunder storm we barely lived through in Kansas, this past summer.
This morning Stumpy had to do her doga, in the snow.
I just ordered one of these

* Lifted from Bing Image Hosting
** Lifted from Bing Image Hosting
*** Lifted from the FailBlog
We're hoping winter has spent its last gasp of awful weather and will gracefully retire to let spring happen.
Wow, that is really crazy weather. We have those winds here today, but we are still hoping to get the Momster out for a walk. Maybe it was those storms that Phantom thought were on their way here.
Doga in the snow is so much fun, Stumpy.Wish we could join you.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We had the crazy weather, too! But today is beautiful AND we have snow on the foothills behind our house. We're off to explore after Mom has "one more cup of coffee".
Jan, I'm hoping right along with you. Although, that will mean I am whining about the heat!
OP Pack, The wind was so crazy, I couldn't tell if the weather was heading east, towards you or not! You're welcome in dirtville anytime, for doga or anything!
Rottrover, Enjoy the nicer weather and your walk!
Here, It's raining a lot too!
We are also hoping that come the summer, and quickly!
Sure you are having an interesting weather there!
I want one of those switches too!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
OMD, that was a riot...I loved the summer/winter switch and the raining cats and dogs! That is crazy!!
EvFURRYthing but lokhusts!
Holy Smokes! Wacky Weather! It is always so boring and mild here...we need some excitement!!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Wow! Talk about wild weather! Cats and dogs raining down from the sky, attacks by golf balls, lightning chasing you, dang! Y'all best stay inside! I like the seasonal on/off switch BOL!
Sendin you some sunshine :D
Indeed. We have had thunder snow here twice this winter. Most disturbing. I trust your snow will be gone soon.
Terrorzinhos, I'll be whining about the heat in the summer! But as long as there's cheese, I'll be ok!
Lorenza, Isn't that switch funny?
Deborah, I'd like the switch, even better, if it worked!
Khyra, Now that you mention it...What if locusts are next?
Wyatt and Stanzie, C,mon down. It's been nothing but exciting for a couple of days! Watch out for flash floods, though!
Roo, Don't worry! Stumpy refuses to go out in anything but the nicest weather!
Mango, It's gone already, thank Dog for that!
Wow, I think someone's using that summer/winter switch on us!
I love water, but that pic of raining cats & dogs -- SCARY!!
Woofs & hugs,
Dirtville or snowville?
woof - Tucker
Sounds like TX - 17 degrees one week, windy the next, then 74 degrees and sunny. I love that switch you ordered!
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