Calling 911 out here in dirtville doesn't do a lot of good. The closest station is 50 miles away. I want to go out there and yell at them, tell them to get the @#$%^&* outta here! I'm about to pick up the phone. I know inside, with the doors locked, is the safest place. They start walking up the driveway.
Into the circle of light.

There were three of the biggest bulls, I've ever seen. I snapped a quick picture and went back inside. I didn't want them joining me on the deck.
Wow. I wonder where they came from. Glad you aren't in a house painted red! That's pretty exciting though. I hope they find their way back home.
wasn't me! (eessh.. hope they didn't leave alotta B.S around) hehehe
happy friday,
Holy Poop!
Good for Stumpy to bark only when there is real danger and to be ready to fight the forces of evil (or pot roast).
Oh, Stumpy. If only your mom had let you out there, you coulda rounded them up and had steak for dinner tonight. I tell ya, sometimes humans are Most Unreasonable.
Wiggles & Wags,
Wow, that must have been exciting. We just don't understand why you didn't want to go out for a ride:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Helen, We live on open range. The cattle and horses go where ever they want.
Tula, No sign of any BS in the yard.
Heartbeats, Holy cow?
Jan, I think she wanted to go play cattle-dog.
Mayzie, I should have thought of that!
OP Pack, I've watched to much bull-riding.
That would of scared the poop outta me!
woof - Tucker
Well, I'm glad it was bulls and not some kind of creeps out there ready to break into your abode!! Although bulls are probably just as scary. I can't believe Stumpy doesn't bark much...Riley is always quick to sound the alarm at anything and everything. Good for Stumpy for trying to take care of you and her house!
Elyse and Riley
My Mom would have been furry, furry scared but not me, I am the guard dog like Stumpy is!
I love the khoncept of Stumpy going all khattledog on 'em!
Holy cow! Wowzer
Stumpy I can't believe mom didn't let woo at them. That's a bunch of bull.
PS- I'm glad mom decided not to take them in like she did Alfie. Whew
What an experience! I love the picture with the night-time glowing eyes. Spooky!
Tucker, It almost did, me!
Elyse, I was glad it was just the bulls, too!
Stella, Thank DOG for guard dogs!
Khyra, it's a great khoncept, I didn't want to test it, though!
Norwood, I figure it was about 5000 pounds of bull, at least!
Pat, I wish I could have gotten a better picture.
GOOD JOB, STUMPY!! It's very important to do the job you're bred to do - even in the middle of the night ;)
Stumpy we are sure you could have rounded them up.. We know you are a cattle dog. Next time we will be right over to help...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Sounds like a very scary episode!
I am sure Stumpy was ready to make them go away!
Take care
Happy Saturday!
Kisses and hugs
WOW, that was cool, at first I thought you had robbers~I'm glad your safe Stumpy because 50 miles is pretty far away!
Yepper Mom is home.. All kinds of wiggle waggles when she walked in the door...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hello GSP & Stumpy! I've been off my blog awhile and the first thing I see when I'm makin' the rounds are those glowing green eyes and wicked horns.
Glad Stumpy's got the drive she was bred for and glad she didn't have to prove herself!
Those are some big horns on them bulls!!! What glowing eyes Stumpy -- that start could have scared them!
Glad we only have the occasional deer (and coyote, possibly) in our yard... Not sure what Molly & Moe would do with giant free roaming bulls in their yard.
XO Deb
Hahaha! You had my heart racing and then I burst out laughing :D
Go Stumpy Go! Git those little cowdoggies! :D
Wow good thing they were only Bulls, but they could still cause a ruckus I suppose!
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