Not much has changed. The berner comes and goes daily, usually twice a day. He was coming around the same time of day most days and then last weekend either he changed things up or I slept late.
I always keep dry food out for him so he doesn't miss a meal, if I miss him. But he only gets the good stuff when I am around to watch for coyotes and other feral dogs.
Before Tuesday, he was about racing down the road to get to dinner.
Then,early Tuesday morning, I went outside and he was in Stumpy's chair and didn't take off when I came out. I gave him a scritch and tried to feel for weight gain but he growled to warn me off. I went in to get him a dish of the good stuff, he ate that and climbed back in the chair and sat with Stumpy and I to watch the sun come up.
When he left, he was moving pretty slow, looked sore and his limp was more pronounced.
Since then, he has been here when we get home from work, but takes off when I pull in the driveway. Sometimes, I see him over in the neighbors yard, in hidey hole, seemingly watching our house.
I have been able to call him up on the deck twice for a meal of the good stuff, but he takes right off after he eats.
He is also moving a little better today.
We have had some pretty warm temperatures and I think as the days warm up he will be less likely to travel. There's always shade and water, here, not to mention the eats.
I'm a little discouraged, though. And worried, too. I know it's only March, but if I leave for the summer and don't have him situated...
Stumpy, on the other hand, can't understand why I am shoveling food into this strange dog while she is obviously starving to death... more on that in another post.
You can see Stumpy has mostly recovered from our week from hell.

Here, she contemplates the Berner's awaiting dinner. Judging from her expression, she may also be cursing the berner or me, more likely both of us!
Let's try this again ;-)
It's nice to see he's still around even if he's not AROUND!
Only Stumpy knows what Stumpy is khontemplating!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Phew! I just had to catch up on all of your past posts I have missed.
I can't thank you enough for what you are doing for the Berner. If I was closer, I would be right there beside you helping. My specialty, working with wild/feral dogs and feral/stray cats.
Don't get discourage, just keep doing what you are doing.
Thank you for caring for him and thank Stumpy too:)
PS, sorry I haven't been around. Have had way too much going on lately. But I have a secret I will share with you, (shhhh, we are getting a puppy) I'm not posting about her until she is home, but she will be making for some interesting posts.
Now remember, shhhhhh!;)
You and Stumpy are trueblue for the Berner guy.
I'm glad you are feeding him, if you still are next month I can help you a little.
I have heard from somewhere, that dogs get hooked on the wild life and as nice as home seems after a fight, they want the open road again. Cest la vie!
Stella and Jo
Me and Stumpy have the same love of food ;-)
Stumpy!how do you get your tongue on top of your noseballs! i'd be licking my choppers too. see, the berner knows a good home when he sees it. next thing you know, you'll find him sitting on the couch & watching the boobtube with a bag of chips.
you're a great pal looking out for him.
kissies, tula
You are doing such a great job with the Berner. We to wonder what would happen if you weren't there. We can understand your concern.. Stumpy get over it.. Mom is just keeping Mr. Berner healthy like she does you.. You will understand some day.. he he
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khyra, I pretty much know what Stumpy contemplates... food, play, food,coyotes, food, play, food, coyotes, food, play...
T! great to hear from you, I posted over at your blog. Can't wait to hear more about :X
Stella, I am afraid you're correct about the addiction to life on the road. It has got it's hold on me. Berner's are such people dogs, that I am hoping we can break through. If he needs neutering that would help, too!
Wizz, Stumpy's obsession with food goes way beyond love.
Tula, we hope to see him on the couch soon. but he better stay out of my chips!
Heelers, thanks... I am just so impatient to get him to safety, forever!
I like your movie of him moving up the road for good eats. Gosh, I wish he just had an ounce of trust in him...
Re: my photos - yes we own the doggy fountain. Found him at the big 'park & swap' after seeing him in a boutique doggy store. He's a keeper. And so is Gus.
Brenda, a day after that he was moving a lot slower.
I have to have that fountain! What a find! I.ll let you keep Gus, even though I know he is a treasure, too. But that fountain must be mine!
I hope you can succeed with this dog. That is an impressive tongue Stumpy has there!
Bless you for taking care of that poor pup. Hopefully he will learn to trust soon.
Sandra, He IS coming around! How far he will go remains to be seen!
K9friend, you know, it's the dogs that bless us!
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