I followed this lead from Khyra's Khorner. I tell you, those girls over there are pretty smart!
Anyways, Ben, a blogging Golden Retriever, has a plan...Here's a direct quote:
For each blogger who leaves a post saying – “Ben, YOU ROCK!!!” The fellas’ will pool their allowance and donate $1 to Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary in MY name – how cool is that?
The fellas, my bros, are ready to donate up to $250 to Homeward Bound. Yep, that is right for every post of ”Ben, YOU ROCK.” by April 10th, Homeward Bound gets a $1 donation. 2 posts $2 donation, 10 posts $10 donation, 100 post $100 donation.
I say 250 posts and $250, for Homeward Bound.
Hmm – you ask why April 10th? It’s simple, that is the day we decided Bye Bye Leg
Let’s do it – every post I get is $1 to a good cause – all you gotta do is post:
“Ben, YOU ROCK!!.”
’cause I am a team player for ever post I get from get from 251 thru 500…drumroll please….me and the fellas will donate another $1 per post to Khyra’s Khorner ’cause her Momma transports for ALL breeds.

It is all up to you!!!
“I am Mr. Pawsative!!!” – let’s do it –
‘cause – let’s BOL - “Ben, Rocks!!!!”
Stumpy says, "DO IT!!! Do it, NOW!!!"
Go to Ben's blog and in the comments write, "Ben, you rock!"
Stumpy your Mom is the best sales person ever. She Rocks too...
We left our comment.. he he
What no snow in dirtville? What is up with that?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Heading over now!
Sandra, Thanks!
Heelers, I would hate to have to be a pushy sales person in order to make a living! sharing something worthwhile is a whole 'nuther story!
Sam, I knew I couls count on you!
How khool!
Stumpy, you rokhk!
Thanks fur giving shout outs to Ben and me!
Ben is just sooooo furry pawesome!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Okay you got it Stumpy
Will do!
stumpy--you rock, ben rocks, miss floofy tail rocks, DWBs rock! paw it forward-- cool beans & easy too!
Khyra, you do so much for others, how could I not?
Norwood! Thanks! You know rescuu and shelter dogs are the best!
Tula, You rock, too!
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