At only 7 months old, Rain is passionate about recycling. She tried, for hours, to encourage the other dogs to recycle with her.
Dog Foster Mom has been looking for a home for Ziggy for over a year, now.
She has entered Ziggy in a contest that could, potentially, lead him to his happily ever after home. Please take a minute to vote for Ziggy
Stumpy and I are both flattered an honored to be considered by Carny Dog, aka Stella, to have the makings and potential of a true Carny Dog. Stella honored Stumpy by naming her this week's choice for "Would've made a great carny dog!"
Miss Mayzie is celebrating her blogaversary in a very special way, TODAY!!!!Help shelter dogs and celebrate Mayzie's 1st year of blogging by leaving a comment on her blog!!!
Good girl, Rain. Hope you were able to get some help there. Congras to you for that Carny Dog honor - we are off to read more about it.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Well, too bad, we aren't on Facebook but we are sure that Carny Dog honor is very special.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Stumpy would make a great carny dog!! Good job to Rain for recycling. Riley does the opposite...she pulls jugs, bottles, cartons, and boxes out of the recycle bin to go chew on. Good thing there are dogs like Rain out there that are recycling! Hope you all are having a ton of fun out RVing!
Elyse and Riley
Hi Stumpy! We have seen you around blog land and have decided to start following your awesome blog. We would love it if you would follow us too.
Stumpy, you're a good dog!!
Congrats you Carney dog you!!
-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby
Awesome! I will have to check out Carny Dog's site.
This is such a cute video. What a strong social conscience this doggy has. Better than most humans for sure!
Cool Carney Dog :-)
Rain sure is good!
Recycling is very important!
Kisses and hugs
Woof! Woof! Great ... helping the environment is very important. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
It's funny how much dogs like plastic containers. Indy will carry and crunch and plastic water bottle as though it's the most fascinating toy on earth. Years ago, a friend had Irish Wolfhounds. Her dogs played with gallon sized milk jugs!
miss stumpy,
big 'n hooge grats on your carny doggie pick! that's totally awesome sauce!
pretty please woof to miss rain that if i was out there, i would totally help her with the recyclefications. i so heart chewin' on water bottles 'n stuff. heehee.
the booker man
Yay for helping the environment! :)
We voted!
Voted for Ziggy!
Recyclin Rain...sounds like a great racing name! :)
Stumpy's cheerin up a storm by the way ;)
(see current post)
Waggin at ya,
Hi, hi! I'm awfully sorry I haven't been by in a few days but gosh, has it ever been ker-azy at my house with that Commentathon Pawty. Thank you EVER so much for telling everybuddy about it and for stopping by. It just wouldn't have been the same without you!
And good for Rain! She is a super duper recyclin' queen and a Most Wonderful example for the rest of us.
Oh, and I've voted for Ziggy like 100 times now. Wouldn't it be terrific if he won AND found a new home?
And lastly, Stumpy woulda made a super duper amazing Carny dog, that's for sure. She coulda run a Wobbler game!
Wiggles & WAgs,
Thanks for asking for votes for Ziggy!! And it's good to see such environmentally conscious dogs out there. Ziggy's pretty good about recycling plastic items two and three times over - looks like Rain has learned well also!
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