Stumpy, of course was sure this was the time she was going to be left behind. She chose to supervise from the truck in order to prevent that from happening.
Finally! We're on the road, again! (And look! I decided Stumpy should come along for the ride. (Shocker, I know!)
Where are you taking me?
It's a surprise, just keep watching, you'll see!
Are we there, yet?
Yipee! We're at Kuzzin Fenways!
But that's not all. Further adventures include this:
I hope Stumpy will think it was worth missing her nap!
Road trip!! YAY Stumpy!!
Poor Stumpers, life is so unkind. Don't the humans know your schedule is the most important one?
Have a fantastic trip!
Will Stumpy ride shotgun in the rv, or find the comfiest couch or chair? That is the question!
Looks like the start of a fun time for all.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh boy, A traveling house!! You can bring lots of good stuff and collect lots of good stuff along the dogs!
You are going on a road trip!
Any trip that doesn't end at the Vet or the groomer is good.
Stumpy!! You get to ride around in an RV?!? How awesome is that? VERY awesome! Have fun!
Elyse and Riley
That RV is my dream home! Perfect size!!! Happy Trails!
Stumpy anytime you get to be with mom is a good time no matter where you are headed...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh boy, looks like a road trip! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Barbara, yay is right!!!! Yipeeee! I haven't told Stumpy, yet. Hopefully she'll be as excited as I am.
Kristine, I'm just a mere bean doing my best to meet all of Stumpy's needs. It's a good thing she's so forgiving (and I have plenty of treats!)
Carey, Since it's Michael's RV, she won't be allowed on the furniture. Poooooor Stumpy.
OP Pack, We have high hopes!
Wyatt, We're bringing plenty. I hope we don;t bring much back.
Terrorzinhos, Thst we are!
Jan, True that! But this one is my favorite kind!
Elyse and Riley, We'll be camping, more than traveling.
Deborah, mine too! C'mon with, and bring Stumpy's tiny kuzzins, too!
Heelers! Thanks, I've tried to tell her. Maybe she'll listen to you!
K9Friend, More of a camping trip and hopefully we'lll have internet access to provide details!
Have a ton o' fun!
Looks like you are going to have a pawesome trip!
Enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs
Two dogs in an RV? Nothing like an adventure to start the week off right!
Oh fun! Where'd ya go in the house with wheels?
Great expressions Miss Stumpy :) Way to be stubborn and get to go on the road trip! You're my kinda gal ;)
Waggin at ya,
Hey Stumpy,,,,you are one lucky pup. Except for the rule about getting on the furniture in the rolling house,,,What's up with that ? Hope that a safe and wonderful time is in store for everyone, and be sure to tell us about your adventure.
Hi Stumpy! Looks like ou had fun!
Road trips = Yay!
Oh, how exciting! A road trip! I just LUVS road trips! I can hardly wait to see where you're going.
Wiggles & Wags,
Stella, we absolutely will have fun, Thanks!
Lorenza, Paweome, for sure!
24 paws, Unfortunately, Kuzzin Fenway will not be joining us :(
Roo, We're headed south
Joke Puppy, She tells me, all the time, that I am the lucky one!
Ruthie, we are going to have piles of fun!
Sallie, I agree! Most especially because we are leaving dirtville!
Mayzie, we're not going far :( Nor will there be water :(
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