She's just nuts over this thing!
I feed her a couple times a week with it and she gets treats in it on the days we don't get outside as much.
She liked it so much she got Kuzzin Fenway a Wobbler for Christmas. Unfortunately, she did not allow Kuzzin Fenway to play with it while we were there. Even more unfortunate is the fact that I didn't take any pictures of the two of them rumbling over it.
Our imaginations have filled in the pikhs!
The choice of music was great!
Oh, that was so fun - we loved watching her get it spinning. Mom thinks Ciara would love one of those, but she and TD would probably fight over the kibble. Phantom would have no interest at all. It didn't take Stumpy long to figure out how to make it work:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
That's too cute! We haven't tried the Wobbler yet because it looks identical to the Nina Otosson Pyramid, which we already have. Shiva loves it but it is so loud on our floors that I don't pull it out very often. It's great that it is so durable, unlike all of our other toys, but I can only annoy our patient neighbours so much.
I love watching Stumpy. I would watch him sleep for hours.
Looks like Stumpy had as good of a time with her Wobbler as Riley has with hers! I'm glad she's enjoying it so much.
Elyse (and Riley)
That looks like fun! Stumpy looked like she was having a blast. We have a cube like thing, same idea, knock it around to get food out. Better to only do with one dog at a time. :)
I have to laugh, because I bought one for Minnie to keep her occupied while I'm gone. She won't touch it. Trixie loves it, but it scares the dickens out of Minnie.
The question I need to ask is, are you stimulated yet? I would be climbing the walls! I will say it looks very cute, in Arizona. : )
So much fun to watch! I love watching Ziggy eat (he gets his food in the Wobbler several times a week - we alternate with the Tug-A-Jug and the Buster Cube toys) because he has such a good time working for his food. Works better for me too! :-)
Khyra, Don't let your imagination run too wild. they are kuzzins, after all!
Thanks, Jan! I liked it, too!
OP Pack, Stumpy's pretty quick when it comes to figuring things out! Especially when it has to do with food.
Kristine, I'll trade the wobbler for your back yard (in the summer)
Elyse and Riley, I think, if it has to do with food or running around like a maniac, heelers like it!
24 Paws, agreed. It might be tough to have 6 dogs and 1 wobbler.
Barbara, that's too funny! I want video!
Sandra, having Stumpy anywhere (almost) but in my face is a VERY good thing!
Dog Foster Mom, The Tug a jug is on our list. I'm wondering how durable it is. Stumpy loves to chew rope toys!
K9K, I have almost as much fun watching her as she does playing with it!
Stumpy is "just nuts over it"?
Excuse me, the vote in this household is that Stumpy is just nuts, period. And we sure wish she'd come over and play sometime. After all, we could all be kuzzins, right?
Now that looks like a gumball machine.. hehe
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Yay! I'm so glad Stumpy likes it! (I missed the postie where you got it cuz we were on our Christmas travels.) She can really get that thing spinning, can't she? I have one too but I think it's a little skeery the way it moves around all unpredictable-like. But I'm sure glad that stumpy gets a kick out of it!
Wiggles & Wags,
You really like it!
I loved the video!
Kisses and hugs
Looks like a lot of fun - on my "to be purchased" list for Marge, for sure. She eats meals out of treat dispensers at least a couple of times a week, so variety is nice :)
of course woo don't share- come on! not the wobbler!! that thing is totally cool- must get one. NOW! TODAY!
funballs Stumpy!
We used to have something similar to the wobbler, but we also have a doggie door. Which means we hauled the food-loaded device outside, then hauled the mouse-loaded device inside. Mama dumped those things in a hurry. Sure hope your pipes have thawed. Having to use bottled water for everything is a major pain.
Have a wonderful trip!
Jed & Abby
That does look like a lot of fun! How many treats fit in that thing? Go Stumpy Go! :)
Waggin at ya,
Brenda, You're absolutely right! NUTTIER would be more correct!
Heelers, Stumpy with gum. What a visual. I see it stuck to everything, everywhere!
Mayzie, food makes Stumpy VERY brave!
Lorenza, she is literally CRAZY (yes, CRAZY in capital letters) for her Wobbler!
Marge! Stumpy highly recommmends the Wobbler!
Tula, yes, send one of the FADs out to get you one, right now, TODAY!
Oh Jed and Abby! No, Stumpy won't be taking this outside. I had thought of letting her, though, so I appreciate you sharing that! Stumpy wouldn't be one to leave it with food still in it either, though. Yeah, I am pretty sick of the no water thing!
Roo, Stumpy eats about 3/4's of a cup of kibble twice a day. There's plenty of room for her meal. I'll take a picture of the cavity for you!
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