The ears are talking, again. Do you suppose she's annoyed because I haven't moved her bed so she can bask in comfort?
Shauna who blogs at Fido and Wino is working on a project she calls R.O.A.R.(Rescue Owners Are Rockin’). Shauna and the ROAR Squad are all about inspiring people to adopt rescued dogs. You can read all about Shauna's goals for ROAR here
It's not going to cost you a thing! Basically it's a chance to brag on that awesome partner of yours.
ROAR's first year goal:
"Over the next year I will feature on Fido & Wino:
•at least one rescue owner from every state in the US
•at least one rescue owner from every province and territory in Canada
•at least one rescue owner who is from the “Super Wicked Peeps” list below
You want to take part? YAHOO!
Are you a rescue owner? Know a rescue owner? Please send me an email at fidoandwino (at) gmail (dot) com:*"
It's easy, here's what you need to do:
"1.Please send me 2-4 photos of you/the owner and your rescue pet (you/the owner must be in at least one picture too!)
2.Please provide the following info (the closer your info is to this format, the faster I can get your post up (i.e. please write your post the way you would like to see it)):
•Your/you & your partners names (please include): xxx
•Your pets’ name(s) (please include): xxx
•About you/you & your partner (optional): xxx
• if you have a blog/website, please include links
•Breed (please include): xxx
•Your pets age (please include): xxx
•Rescue/shelter name/circumstances around how you came to adopt your pet (optional): xxx
•Rescue/shelter website link (please include): xxx
•Funny/interesting tidbits (please include): xxx
•Your state/province (please include): xxx
•What “Super Wicked Peep” category you fit under, if one applies (scroll way down- optional): xxx
•How did you hear about the ROAR Squad (Twitter? Facebook? A friend (who?)? Other (please specify))"
In the first picture, you look like you are doing a yoga pose (mountain pose?), Stumpy! Very good way to start out the day!
Yay for the R.O.A.R. Squad! And yay for sunbeams! We don't have a lot of those in these parts this time of year. Or any time of year, sadly. I'm jealous of Stumpy's hobby.
Great LOOK Stumpy!
Did it work?
Stumpy, we love the talking ears! Did Mom end up moving your bed for you?
Elyse and Riley
Yay for ROAR!
Stumpy is so funny! Get that bed over there!
Deborah, she looks very regal and serious doesn't she?
Kristine, DOUBLE Yay for ROAR! TRIPLE! We'll share our sun with you anytime, c'mon down!
Khyra, not today, I am sorry to say!
Elyse, she has a chair in the sun, inside and one outside. I figured she could make due for a change!
Barbara, ROAR and Shauna are awesome, aren't they? I'm afraid I didn't cave and she didn't get her bed moved into the sun.
Stumpy you sure know how to start your day..
ROAR sounds like a great cause..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Sounds like a great idea! I'm with Stumpy. Some nice warm sunlight sounds fabulous!
Thank you so much for mentioning the R.O.A.R. Squad, I really appreciate it!
The project is going really well- we are over 70% of the way to our goal... but we still need to profile lots of rescue owners!
Still looking for:
•North Dakota
•Rhode Island
•South Carolina
•South Dakota
•New Brunswick- need asap!
•North West Territories
•Prince Edward Island
If you are a rescue owner from any of these places I hope you'll join!
Thanks again! :)
Well, Stumpy, I don't blame you one single bit. Tell your mom to gets a move on and get your bed into that sunpuddle. It's not gonna be there all day, you know!
And we luv the ROAR Squad but, well, my mom kinda sucks a little bit cuz nice Miss Shauna asked us to join and we were excited and then we have never sent her our stuff. Sigh. I don't want to fire mom but I might have to put her on notice.
Wiggles & Wags,
None of us are rescues unless we can count the Momster - we think we rescued her somewhere along the line. Stumpy - great poses - and great photos.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Stumpy, you are SO CUTE!! Thanks for stopping by our bloggie. Dirtville does resemble the So. California landscape. Ruby is a rescue, so I will forward some info to ROAR, as well. See you soon!!
I don't have a current rescue, but I counted the number of dogs I have owned in my adult lifetime thus far the other day. Why has to do with someone's foolishness about her dogs, but that is another story. I have owned and cared for 30 so far. All most all have been cast off dogs. Grace was not a rescue, but she was on her way. Too much dog for where she was. Howard is an indulgence. And Stumpy is just plain cute.
Gosh but you look so ZEN Stumpy! We shall call you, the Dahli Doggy (cuz clearly you are not a Llama!) BOL.
Big slurps, HoneyBuzz
Heelers, Stumpy's expertise knows no bounds!
K9Friend, Stumpy thinks all her ideas are the best EVER!
Shauna, R.O.A.R. brings some great inspiration to a huge problem! thanks for all you do!
Mayzie, if you get your mom moving on the ROAR project, I'll move Stumpy's bed!
OP Pack, HA! Just think of all the people that have been rescued by their dog! Now that's a long list!
Rottrover! It's awesome of you to stop by! That would be awesome to send Ruby's info to ROAR!
Sandra, it's a little overwhelming to think of those kinds of numbers. And I believe there are all kinds of rescue. Not all involve an organization!
HoneyBuzz, "Zen" now there's a word that's never been used to describe Stumpy before!
I enjoy worshippin Apollo too Stumpy :)
You look marvelous in the sun's rays :D
Waggin at ya,
Right on ! Stumpy. The Joke Puppy daddy told me that every little Joke Puppy that he has had over the years (6) just loved taking naps in the afternoon sunbeam. A R.O.A.R shout-out,,,,the present Joke Puppy was adopted from A.P.A. in St. Louis, Mo.
miss stumpy!
you know you and my big sis asa could be twinsies! teehee! asa likes to do the same thingie in the mornin' when the sunshinies are comin' through the patio doors. she sits in the sun patch and gives mama the hairy eyeball until mama goes and gets her bed. BOL! anywho, i hope your mama moved your bed to the right location ASAP. :)
now about the toe cap thingies...asa HATES havin' her paws touched, so it was hard at first to put them on her toesies, but now she doesn't mind it at all! so maybe you wouldn't mind it, miss stumpy!
the booker man
pee s -- mama keeps sayin' no about finger pics. she is so square sometimes!!
Hiya Stumpy,
Charlie and I would like to thank you very much for stopping by and sending us love during our difficult time. It really means a lot to us. I'll have to send in Emma's story to R.O.A.R. If they take cats and rabbits too, I'll write Tigress and Oliver up.
Hey Stumpy
I bet you can convince mom to get you another bed so you have one in each spot when the sun moves.
I'll get working on the ROAR project.
Roo, that's so sweet of you to say!
Joke Puppy! I hope you'll send Shauna your story!
Booker, since Asa is GORGEOUS, that's quite a compliment! Thanks!
Ettel, Charlie Poodle, and Emma Pitty! thanks for stopping by! I hope all is well at yourplace, now! Please do send your stories to Shauna, she is interested in all the critters' stories!
Nordude, If I have one more pillow on the floor here there will be no place to walk! I am trying to teach Stumpy to move her own bed at this point.
Get that blog assistant of yours busy on the ROAR project!
Haaa! I rescued my mom too!
A morning sunbath sounds great to me!
I only can enjoy them when my mom is at home on weekends when she has time to let me out in my balcony while she cleans our house!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Stumpy we got SNOW!!!! We have has so much fun playing in it but it is melting already...
Stumpy how did you guess that we sleep next to Mom on the couch while she watches football. We wouldn't want her to get cold...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Lorenza, A sunbath on the balcony sounds wonderful!
Heelers! I'm glad you're enjoyuing the snow! We had no doubt that you'd be making sure your mom was warm, anytime!
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