She is a bit of a chihuahua and her creature comforts are VERY important to her. Besides her 3 chairs, there are numerous pillows and dog beds scattered around the house so that she can keep a close watch on my every move, in comfort. If I didn't have the pillows she would be under my feet. Which of course, she is. But after an in-depth study I deduced she was only under my feet half as much if she had her own pillow close by.
Recently, I moved her deck pillow into the breezeway due to inclement weather. I leaned it up against the wall out of the way so I wouldn't trip over it.
I went outside one morning and there she is totally innocent of any wrong doing. I believe she is gloating, when she thinks I am not watching. (click the pictures for more detail)
Avoidance technique. She has this down to a science.
Sticking her tongue out at me. (you are so busted, little brat dog!)
Laughing at my feeble attempts to deny her right to comfort.
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Her last two pikhs are PRICELESS!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Woo Go Stumpy!
I love her smile! Very sweet!
My house is filled with things for Marge to lay on, too -
and that's saying a lot, because we really don't have a big house!
Stumpy you know exactly where you want your favorite pillow. hehe
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khyra, Stumpy is priceless! As are all of our four legged partners!
Deborah, She is all kinds of things, sweet included!
Sam, anything for our girls right?
Heelers, Stumpy thinks she knows everything! Sometimes I think she does, too!
Hey Cyndi we got our calendars today. That Debi did an awesome job...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hey, I just wanted to wish ya'll a Happy New Year. Give Stumpy some love from me--I love cattle dogs and always put them on my "project" list at the Shelter.
I also wanted to thank you for your loyalty to my blog. You faithfully leave comments, which makes me feel as though I'm reaching someone! Thank you so much!
Yours from the Big Ol' State of Texas (where many Longhorn fans are so sad today),
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