Happy birthday, Will!
The picture below is Will's 25th birthday dinner. He was thrilled with the opera singer that sang to him in Italian!
And how the heck did that happen? I can't possibly be old enough to have a 26 year old kid!
Will and Stumpy's cuzzin, Fenway, came to visit last week. Stumpy loves Will! He rough houses with her in a way I never do. He teases her, they body slam, roll on the floor and just generally go full tilt.
As an added bonus, Fenway is Will's boy. Fenway is Stumpy's favorite dog in all the world. He can keep up with her bite for bite, as long as the day is long. He takes everything she can dish out and gives it right back and that's saying alot!
At the end of their visit Stumpy lays down and I don't see her 'til the morning!
A son is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future. Author Unknown
Enjoy your day, son 'o' mine!
Love always!
Happy Birthday to Your Boy!
26 is good!
It is my mom's lukhky number!
Khake fur all!
Happy birthday from afar! Fenway looks like a furry pile of fun. :)
Have a great weekend!
Oh Happy Birthday Will.. That was so sweet of him to bring Fenway to play with Stumpy.. We sure bet Stumpy took a nice nap after all that.
Mom wanted to tell you the Toph will be 26 this year also in Oct.. See you are are not so old..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Oh that is a super happy post! I'm so glad to see it! AND see you and family having a great time! Yabba dabba doo!
Didn't the calendar's turn out awesome? Mom is taking hers to work..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Khyra I'll let him know!
LWD, Fenway is a blast. He's been raised right...just one more thing to make me as proud as can be of my boy.
Heelers, You have an (almost) 26 year lod , too? They sure are fun! And yes the calendar is waaaay awesome! I have one for work and one for home and some for friends!
Norwood, my boy and I moved out west at the same time, only he moved to Las Vegas, down the street from his dad. He grew up in Vegas and Mass. I get to see him fairly regularly. And it's great fun whenever!
Happy Birthday :-)
That looks like our Dad playing rough with us. Mum says she's not sure who makes the most noise & trouble when he gets home - us or Dad!!!!
Anyway we love playing wrestling games with our Dad - until Mum growls at all three of us and we all have to stop.....
Slobbers Ruger & Neve
Stumpy you've met your match! Big wags & slobbery kissies to the birthday boy-WILL!
Luvin' the calender- all the photos turned out great:)hope it raises alotta dollahs.
Thanks, Wizz, I'll tell him you said so!
Annie, back in the day, when Will lived at home, I would send them outside. Now, it's too much fun to have him here and Stumpy loves the rasslin'
Tula, I'll have Stumpy slobber all over him next time we see him. The calendar is great, isn't it? Norwoods's assistant needs a raise!
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