Stumpy is speaking out and modeling to benefit New Hope Cattle Dog Rescue. we want to tell you a little more about their operation, the dogs needing homes and Cattle Dogs in general. New Hope has this information on their website but we want to feature the dogs, here.
There are so many great dogs listed at New Hope. The volunteers, foster homes and the dog themselves work REALLY hard at preparing the dogs and adopters for their forever homes. I'm listing the dogs in alphabetical order, a couple at a time. These dogs are located in Arizona. New Hope has affiliated rescues in Colorado and Arkansas.
This is Brando.

He's a little over a year old and about 40 lbs. His mama was a red heeler.
This is Brandi, Brando's mom.

He's a very sweet boy who loves the dog park and going for walks, runs, or hikes. Brando is house trained and crate trained. He knows basic commands like, sit, stay, and leave it. Brando is calm in the house, but when it's playtime, he's ready!
Brando is afraid of kids so not he is not recommended for kids of any age. He is good with other dogs and good with cats!

Please contact the Adoption Coordinator now at adopt@newhopecattledogs.com to inquire about Brando! And don't forget to fill out the Adoption Application.
Cheyanne is about 5 years old and was dumped by her family at a local shelter. She needed eye surgery to remove a bad eye and repair the other eye. Cheyanne is recovering nicely. Cheyanne uses her whiskers and ears and can only see dark and light and only far away things. She's as sweet as can be and just want to lay by her person and be loved.

Cheyanne seems to get along with other dogs OK and would probably be fine with cats as I can't see them very well. She came from a home with children so she's OK with that also.

Cheyanne will need eye drops for the rest of her life but they are not too expensive. If you would like to meet her please fill out our adoption application and we can do a home check and make sure you are a good match for Cheyanne. Kisses and wags Cheyanne.
***Please make sure to read New Hope's Adoption Policies and Procedures at the top of this page. An adoption fee is assessed.***
New Hope has a FAQ page that can answer just about any question you might have with regards to adopting and owning a cattle dog. In my humble opinion the single most important thing to know is that cattle dogs, like any herding breed of dog, are independent thinkers. They were and should be bred to use their brains. The short and sweet of it is that cattle dogs NEED consistent mental and physical stimulation. If their people don't provide stimulation they are going to find their own and it's not going to be pretty.
Many of you know that although I gave Stumpy a home, she was the one that rescued me. What you may not know is that for the three years before Stumpy found me I was suffering from panic attacks, black outs and agoraphobia, to the point where I rarely left my home. Only a few close and unrelenting family members and friends were allowed into my home. I shut myself off from everything and everyone I loved.
When I made the trip to get Stumpy, it was the first time I had left my comfort zone in a very long time. Literally, Stumpy was responsible for my journey to sanity; more so than any doctor, shrink or medication. Stumpy found me in the same condition I found her: frightened to the point of immobility.
I realized that I had a responsibility to teach Stumpy that people and the world, in general, is a wonderful place. Our journey to rediscover the world began together.
Dogs Deserve Freedom posted an awesome idea to help shelters that anyone can do. head over there to read about it!
Wow. That's an amazing story. I didn't know that about you or Stumpy.
New Hope Cattle Dog Rescue is a great place. I looked at some of their dogs and emailed them about what I was looking for when I was searching out my Cattle Dog a few months ago.
I hope everyone who adopts a Cattle Dog knows what they are getting themselves into!!
Thanks for the link. I think the sweater idea is an awesome way to help shelter dogs.
New Hope does sound like a really good place.
Wizz :-)
I was not aware of the extent to which Stumpy rescued you - that it a great story. Dogs are such powerful creatures - I don't know how they know the things that they know about the human soul and psyche, but clearly they have lots of inside information.
I love ACD's - every time we have looked for our next rescue, they have been on the short list of breeds we search for. In fact, before we got L AND before we got B, there were ACD/mix puppies that we were interested in, and in both cases, the rescues never responded to my emails or phone calls, so we moved on with our search. Maybe next time!
What pawesome pups out there!
My Doggy Nanny battled that fur some years - my mom knows it khwite well so she understands what it means to have taken the steps woo did!
Brando is really a looker. I hope he and Cheyanne find homes really soon.
That's an amazing story about your and Stumpy. A real testament to the healing (heeling!) power of an animal. Good for you both!
Thanks, everyone, for you kind words and understanding. Originally, the intention of my blog was to help me deal with my illness. I found it easier to talk dogs instead. Once again, it is our canine companions that showed me how to do that.
Perhaps now that I have "outed" myself I can share more in order to continue in my recovery, find a way to do more for the dogs and help others that deal with mental illness at the same time.
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