aka Pee-Dog (After sticks, peeing was high on his list of priorities. Peanuts were his most favorite treat in all the world.)

Demian was my first dog, after leaving home and graduating from college, in 1977. He found me when he was 6 years old and I was living on Cape Cod. It was love at first sight for both of us.

I posted flyers all over West Dennis, West Yarmouth, and South Yarmouth and his owner came to claim him.

Three weeks later, his owner returned him to me, a bag of bones. Demian refused to eat. We were inseperable, for the next 7 years. The stories he could tell and the adventures we shared, from coast to coast, amaze me to this day.
He was my own personal Rin Tin Tin and came to my rescue, more than once. I never doubted he would lay down his life in order to save mine.

He was an extraordinary puppy raiser. Below are a few of his protege.

With Roscoe, on our honeymoon at Zion National Park, 1981

With Barney (lab) and Poo (poodle) at Lake Mead, 1984.
There are no words to express what this dog meant to me. See you on the other side Pee-dog!
Oh my!
What a handsome fella!
We are smiling here fur last night in the yard, Khousin Harley and I found a peanut -
I think Khousin Harley ate it!
Thanks fur sharing him with us!
PeeEssWoo: My word is FASTR!
Excellent. Amazing how our dogs touch us, share with us, love us. And how we look forward to them. Cyndi, just lovely.
Wow, that is an awesome story! And wasn't Demian just so very handsome. How much he must have loved you to give up his food to get back to you. We didn't know you once lived on the Cape - Mom misses the Cape so much. She has memories of many vacations in the Hyannis/Yarmouth/Dennis areas. One day she vows to get back there. Hope we get to go too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I forgot how handsome he was! He really was an amazing guy. So glad that you found each other and had 7 years as best pals.
What lovely memories - thank you for being open to sharing them. ♥
What a handsome doggy..your Demian is/was! Don't you feel so secure when your dog looks at you and you just know what they are thinking. What wonderful memories you have of such a special doggy. Cheers! PS>>>love the old photos mucho! AND I love Cape Cod...gots to get me some Cape this summer...I can feel it in my bones!
What a handsome fellow! Woo two shared some wonderful adventures together! I bet Stumpy would have adored him!!
Rottie Kisses!
Fabulous story!!
Demian was gorgeous! He looks a lot like my husband's childhood dog and just as special. Thanks for sharing these memories with us. I am so glad he found his way back to you!
I just want to say thanks, to everyone, for letting me share my Demian. It's great to "talk" about something that meant so much to you and have people understand.
Khyra, Demian would do anything for a peanut! That theory was tested many, many times!
Brenda, I've been blessed with some awesome 4-legged partners, but truth be told none of those partnerships can compare.
OP Pack, He was, indeed, beautiful! Inside and out. Our family was fortunate to have a summer house on the Cape. I love the Cape!
Carey, He was something, wasn't he?
Sophie, Demian is the only dog I've had that connection with. It was mind-blowing! There's no place, in the world, like the Cape!
rottrover, you cannot even begin to imagine the things we did and the places we went! He would have given Stumpy a run for her money, that's for sure!
Heartbeats, His story couldn't be anything but fabulous! He was one fabulous dog!
Kristine, Thanks! Demain was gorgeous and so much more!
What a handsome guy!! I have always thought that German Shepherds were so regal looking! How I ended up with an ACD...I don't know! :) Just kidding.
I hope that one day when Riley has gotten old and gray and moved on to the Bridge, that I will look back and remember our time together and special connection like you remember Demian's. How special!
Elyse and Riley
Sure he was super special!
thanks for sharing your beautiful post!
Kisses and hugs
What an amazing tribute for a boy who sounds truly amazing! I know I'm biased, but shepherds just seem to have that one to one connection that's indescribable. Cheers to PeeDog!
What an amazing friend. They do seem to know when they find home.
Elyse, SSSSSHH! don't let Riley or Stumpy know, but I ask myself the same question all the time!
Lorenza, He was indeed special! I'm so glad to have friends to share him with!
FPS, I can't be objective when it comes to GSD's either!
Stumpy and me
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