I can post, but I can't comment. I can't comment on your blog and I can't comment on my own blog. Weird.

Is anybody else suffering the same frustration? Got a fix?
In the meantime, I'm reading. If I have an earth shattering, mind boggling comment to make, I'll email you!
I feel your pain.
Great choice of graphics though.
I had that earlier - I signed out - and then signed bakhk in - and was good to go -
Of khourse, Blogger being Blogger doesn't mean THAT will work NOW!
Blogger is playing up :-(
What a real pain ...
Like the baby comment :-)
Oh dear, I can comment. Blogger is out to get you it seems.
Hmmm.... another of those weird Blogger days, right?
I guess it is fixed now!
Kisses and hugs
We haven't had any trouble today, but we have seen a few say that they couldn't leave comments on the blogs that had imbedded comment boxes rather than popup ones. Hope you can get things working again.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Blogger seems to be having a major meltdown. I'm (finally) back on track with it. So to make up for that bonus, my email account apparently got hacked and sent obnoxious links to everyone on my contacts list.
Sigh...it's always something!
Sorry to hear about your blogger blues. Bummer. So far, so good on this side. Oops shouldn't say that too loud, I probably jinxed myself. :)
Bummer Stumpy! Lots to say and no way to say it ;P BOL! You'll be all right. Deep breaths. Lots of deep breaths ;)
Waggin at ya,
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