I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.

For me they are the role model for being alive.

~ Gilda Radner

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Saturday Surprise



Stella said...

How perfect! Some snow to play in, Stumpalina! I suppose its all gone by now though. I haven't had any new snow for at least two weeks, it must be Spring! Most of that huge mess we had is gone and please let any precip just be rain!


Kari in Alaska said...

aaaahhhh snow! go away!


K9 Katastrophie said...

What happened? Oh well enjoy it while you can!!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Khyra's Mom told us about snow in AZ as our Dad is in Phoenix. Wish we were there with Stumpy to enjoy it - it is freakin' hot here today.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

An English Shepherd said...

Wow that is a suprise! We love snow :-)

rottrover said...

Beautiful Pictures, Stumpy's mom!! Now we know why it's so cold here on the other side of the foothills! Hope you had fun!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Sandra said...

Enjoy it, it'll be gone by lunch!

Lorenza said...

Sure that was a big surprise!
I hope you like it!
Kisses and hugs

Wyatt said...

wow, wasn't it super hot the other day? That is a Sunday surprise!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khousin Ab had snow in Prescott Sat AM - and she pawed it is trying to sleet there now -

Great Snow Dog Stumpy!


Phyllis said...

I agree with Stumpy's comments exactly! WTH???!!

ForPetsSake said...

Wow that's beautiful! A surprise indeed. Stumpy looks intense there on the steps. Now is that the "I need to pee and why is there this white stuff?" look. OR is it "WooT! Snow!" ?

Anonymous said...

Holy Guacamole! Snow in April????!!!! In the desert???!!! Nutty weather this year for sure! Well enjoy! :D


Carey Brown Strombotne said...

stumpy, put your sweater on! hope you had fun and made a snow angel :)

Homeless said...

Aww.. what were you talking about? It's beautiful.

I hope the Stumpster enjoyed it as much as Rain did.

Oh wait. Is that snow covered cholla?!?! Pure evil!!

Unknown said...

Ahhh.. I know Khyra had something to do with it!!
I know it.
PS- it is funballs when it doesn't stay for 5 months

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Stella, I think this dumping of white stuff should have happened in Minne snoooooooooow ta!

Kari, we're chanting with you!

K9 and Grace, We're here so we don;t have to enjoy the snow!

OP Pack, we could use some lessons on how to enjoy snow. C'mon down!

Wizz, It's a surprise we can live without.

Gizmo, Bart and Ruby, We had fun after it melted!

Sandra, the white stuff would melt and come back, melt and come back...all day long! It's gone now, though!

Lorenza, it was a surprise we could have lived without!

Khyra, it snowed here all day, off and on. WTH???

Phyllis, thanks for the validation!

ForPetsSake, Your first thought would be closer to the truth.

Roo, Enjoying snow is a little oxymoronic.

Carey, Stumpy doesn't have a sweater and I don't have boots!

Norwood, You thinkg that floofy flooze sent this white stuff to dirtville? it might be fun if it didn't turn dirtville into mudville, sinking mudville.

Dexter said...

Are you freakin' kidding me? What the heck? The world has gone mad.


the booker man said...

miss stumpy,

whoaaa! you got snows?! and you got snows in april?! that is crazy go nuts! did you build a snowman? heehee. i'd rather have that snow than the 90 degree sticky heat i had at my house today. boohoo!

the booker man

Pat Wahler said...

Oh my goodness, you got snow!!!! I hope you had fun checking out all that fluffy white stuff!


fromsophiesview said...

What the....!? I thought snow was only above the 49th parallel? Duh, am I bamboozled.

Anonymous said...

Stumpy! You gots SNOW? In DIRTVILLE? Wow! I'm so very much jealous. That's about all the snow we've got here in Collie-rado all year long! I wish I coulda played in it with you.

Wiggles & WAgs,

Anonymous said...

OMD! Totally not any surprise I was anticipating. We are having your sunny skies and higher temps this week. (well high 50s)
Enjoy it for its short visit.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Mango, I kept hoping it was just a bad joke!

Booker, 90 is awesome here, if there's shade!

K9Friend, Stumpy likes the snow for about 2 minutes longer than me. Then her tootsies get cold.

Sophie, the snow, especially in april, throws me for a loop, too!

Mayzie, you're more than welcome to have any of the snow that lands here!

dogsmom, high 50's would have been totally appreciated on Saturday!

SusanA said...

I thought the weather here was kind of reckless but I had to watch this twice just to make sure you hadn't gone north for some reason. Hopefully, it's long gone by now.