I think he was a little surprised and perhaps dismayed when he was asked to help Stumpy with her chores.
There were two empty peanut butter jars that required immediate attention. Since Stumpy is a Union Dawg, She's only allowed to clean one peanut butter jar a day.
Fenway was willing to give bottle-washing a try
But failed, miserably.
Stumpy, being a dedicated employee, picked up his Fenway's slack (on over-time, of course).
"You know, Grandma, if you'd put that camera down, you could really help out here and I could keep my snout clean."
AW Fenway, you're just a gentleman!!
Fenway Fail! Gosh, I thought those Burned Yeast Mountain dogs were supposed to be clever.
Ha,just like Phantom would do - Mom, can you please get a spoon and help me out here?
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Fenway is thinking that it is way too much work for small pay...maybe Fenway needs a raise!
I hope this will be a subtle reminder hint to my mom that I know there is an almost empty jar in the khabinet fur ME!
I LOVED my furst one!
PeeEssWoo: My word is OPHOOFF ;-)
Fenway, thats sad dude. Mesa cleans them to the point or ripping them to shreds to make sure she gets every last drop!
Sometimes, you just have to really get into your work.
Well Stumpy, more for you huh? ;) Maybe Fenway prefers a little jam with his peanut butter eh ;)
Waggin at ya,
Jan, I consider it my responsibility to teach Fenway a goood work ethic, iin between spoiling him!
Rottrover, that's as good an excuse as any, I suppose!
Mango, Fenway is an Australian Shepherd. Alf is a BMD. Fenway is VERY clever when it suits his purposes!
OP Pack, No spoon fed dogs allowed, here!
Wyatt, A raise! In this economy?
Khyra, Stumpy loves that I eat so much peanut butter!
Kari, It's beyond sad! It's PATHETIC!
TTH, Cleaning the peanut butter jars definately requires focus.
Roo, I draw the line at making the jars require more work!
Fenway you did a valiant effort...with the PB!
mmmmm peanut butter.
woof - Tucker
Sophie, maybe with a little more practice, huh?
Tucker, it's a favorite around here!
Unions have their rules! Good to get OT for all your hard work :P
Pedro, I respect Stumpy's union alliance!
Overtime - BAH!! Union or not - with that much PB involved, the girls would be in!
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