Make that 7.
Stumpy and I stayed with friends, in South Carolina, for 7 weeks.
You may remember Stumpy's BFF, Baxter. from previous visits back home.
Baxter moved south, last year. We totally enjoyed our time with Baxter and his family while we waited for it to warm up, in New England.
It was great fun for the dogs, and for us, to watch them go at it, all day, every day.
Both inside
and outside.
The fun never stops.
There were lots of walks
There were endless games of tug
car rides
stare- downs
and dancing
There were lizards to hunt,
squirrels to chase
OOPS! Sorry dogs! False alarm!
and laps to test
We met Baxter's kuzzinz, Cocoa and Chaos
(I don't know which one is which}

had an occasional obedience class
Can you see the anticipation of a reward?
for a job well done?
There was peanut butter
and of course, waiting.
In between all the activity, They rest,
for about 10 seconds
We're headed north, now. Looking forward to seeing my family in just a few days !
Many, Many thanks to Baxter and his family for putting up with us for soooooooooo long! It's not just any friend that will allow you to mooch-dock in their back yard for a couple of months! I hope you are looking forward to the next time we visit as much as Stumpy and I!
Stumpy contemplates the long trip ahead
Stumpy contemplates the long trip ahead
But knows she'll be welcome to return, anytime.
Wow, I hate it when my momma says "rabbit" like I have to go on point and it is only to tease me.
A joyful holiday with lots of funballs. He is kind of a bruiser, though. I saw him ramming you with his big old head. I hope you get to see him again soon, but I think it will be nice to be home.
Aww, it really does look like they're BFFs! I loved watching them play on the videos. Oh, and the SQUIRREL! video! Haha! :)
Glad you both had a great time. And yes, it does take a special friend to put up with you for 7 weeks straight--hang onto that friend, they're a good friend! :)
Elyse and Rilye
Botany Bay is amazing! Last year someone took about 30 minutes to land a huge sting ray. We loved every minute there on the beach. Then we drove around the plantation. I swear I could totally imagine living there! We plan to take the niece & nephew this year. Hopefully they will understand that we have to leave the shells for other people!
mamma heartbeat
They really are wonderful friends. Stumpy and Baxter look to be BFFs as well. Now on to New England?
I envy all the fun ya'll have had
Stop on by for a visit
You are very lucky to have such wonderful friends! Sure looks like Stumpy and Baxter had an awesome time. I love the videos, looks like our house with all that rough play. Poor Baxter is going to be missing Stumpy, those little kuzzinz look rather small to be rough-housing with.
What's with the jar of peanut butter?! Don't ever tell the pack about that, they think the small tub of organic and natural is all there is!
Good times, we really liked your dancing with Baxter...fancy moves! Have fun up north with the family!!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Dexter, I admit it! I am horrible for faking Stumpy and Baxter out with the squirrel whispering. I was hopeless! It cracked me up, every time.
Elyse and Riley, Baxter and Stumpy have known each other since they were puppies (4 months and a year old) They always remember each other!
Mamma HB, Botany Bay is just... it's like stepping into the past. I loved SC and am looking forward to my next visit!
Sandra, I am home in New England as I type! Yippeeeeee!
Kari, I wish I could have a pack like yours so I could bring all that fun with me!
acd6pack, VERY VERY good friends, more like family! Baxter is missing Stumpy. And Stumpy did give one of those bossy little white dogs a lesson in manners at their first meeting(with their owners' blessing).Never a problem after ;)
Wyatt, I tried so hard to get video of some of the dance moves. Those two were soooooooooo uncooperative! You'd have thought they were movie stars and I was the paparazzi.
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It was an Oscar winning film with Daniel Day Lewis about 30 years ago.
Inside the movie he played a severely disabled boy.
…Only able to move his left foot.
Daniel had some severe behavioral problems.
He was a real handful and really frustrated.
Until that is…
One day-quite by accident- his family realized he was…
…And able to create amazing world class art work.
After that realization- everything changed.
The intelligence and gifts he had were unlocked.
His frustration and behavior problems stopped and there was an incredible Hollywood ending (a fairytale ending)
Here’s the point…
Inside your dog-there is incredible intelligence too.
I’ve seen it in hundreds of Dogs I’ve worked with.
And once you unlock that intelligence.
Most behavioral problems simply melt away.
And the bond with you and your dog grows stronger.
Sound good?
>>> Go here now to unlock your dog’s natural intelligence today.
The well behaved dog of your dreams is waiting to emerge.
Any troublesome bad behavior you’re dealing with is waiting to disappear.
Don’t put up needlessly with bad behavior a second longer.
PS Check out the brain training for Dogs course now. It’s great for eliminating any bad behaviors by tapping into your dog’s hidden intelligence.
PPS- check out the cute dog on the top of this page.
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