I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.

For me they are the role model for being alive.

~ Gilda Radner

Monday, April 29, 2013

I Spy Sunday (#5) on Monday

I Spy!!!

Whaddaya spy?

I spy Gertie!

And she's playing ball!!!

Why aren't I?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Stumpy...we're with you--the real question is why aren't YOU playing ball? Is Mom getting lazy? ;)

Enjoy your chair!

Elyse and Riley

acd6pack said...

Tell yer human to get off her butt and play ball! You could be like our Callie and bring every ball you can find and make a pile at the door.

rottrover said...

Stumpy! What a gorgeous spot you're in!! No more dirtville!!


bbes tribe said...

Hey Stumpy, Thanks for stopping by to visit. We like your chair.. a good place to keep an eye on things... BTW why aren't you out chasing and playing with Gertie? Just taking it easy huh?

Kari in Alaska said...

Man that ball sure looks like fun

Stop on by for a visit

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Elyse and riley, Gertie didn't want to share. Kinda like someone else we know ;)

ACD6pack, believe me... Stumpy tells me when she wants something. That cattle dog stare speaks volumes, as you well know.

Otto, We don't miss dirtville at all!

bbes tribe, Gertie made it VERY clear she was not interested in playing with Stumpy. What a crab!!!

Kari, We showed Gertie, we went and played ball in the river!

Lorenza said...

I hope you played with that ball too!
Kisses and hugs

Wyatt said...

You have to come out of the comfy chair first...hee hee.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So, are woo getting excited?


Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Lorena, Not to worry. Stumpy plays ball all the time!

Wyatt, it's not easy leaving that chair!

Khyra, Sooooooooooooo excited to head north!