For the second time, she allegedly ripped my camera out of my hands.
The first incident occurred in August of 2010. She was in a sit/stay while I was taking some pictures. She jumped at a rabbit and knocked the camera out of my hands. The view finder was partially smashed, but the camera was still usable.
Saturday, we were sitting in the car at Snickers' house, waiting for the gate to be closed so Snickers could come out to play. When Snickers came through the door, Stumpy could not wait for her release and barrelled through me, knocking the camera from my hands. This time the camera was broken for good.
She's claiming innocence and cites a history of harassment. I suspect if she's found responsible, the replacement camera is going to cost her many months of treats and toys and maybe another couple of weeks in boot camp.
I've actually been saving for a new camera, for quite some time. The purchase never makes the top of the priority list. I'm going to have to get something less expensive now.
What are you using? What do you like about it? What Don't you like about it? Any suggestions for a decent, under $200, point and shoot?
* The pictures in this post were taken with a video camera.
What's this about suspended without pay. It all sounds circumstantial to me. Besides there's no one to fill in for you anyways.
PS- momma just uses her iPhone to take pictures. no fancy camera here.
Rutroh ;-)
Are woo sure it wasn't some desert skhwirrel?
PeeEssWoo: As fur a new one, my mom knows that one - the khurrent one is dirty inside the lens and we just khan't replace it at this point (and still shoot BOL). She has had two Kodak's - and another would be on her list - she really likes the rechargeable battery aspekht - the previous one had a slim battery that needed to be inserted into a charging thingie but this one recharges in the khamera - the same slim battery style - khomparable to two the size of two memory khards. Auntie Di ordered a Sony one fur The DN that also has the charging in the khamera feature - we haven't played with that one enough to know how much 'we' like it - paws khrossed Stumpy is furgiven soon - after all, she looks really really really khontrite ;-)
Bad stumpy
Stop on by for a visit
Oops! I am sure Stumpty was just trying to get you that new camera sooner ;-)
We have a Canon PowerShot A570 and it works great unless you want to do any closeups or night work. Momma always puts the little wrist strap on. Good thing too because lots of times it has been knocked out and wound up dangling by its little string.
Stumpy! Your enthusiasm will get you into trouble every time if you're not more careful!!
I get so aggravated at my pets when they break stuff - but it's to be expected I guess. Frustrating (and expensive) anyway.
Thanks for stopping by!
Heehee! That camera has been through alot! I can't make any recommendations...considering I have a junky camera myself and hope to get a new one someday!
Stumpy You look so cute at your shots, so photogenic! :)
Dog Fence | It's all About Pet Fences
I don't know Stumpy...that first pic of you makes me think you MEANT to kill the camera :O ;) BOL!
Hmmm...well Mom got a Panasonic TS2 point and shoot that you can drop from 6' and take under water up to 30 feet. No, it wasn't me that caused her to get a fairly non destructible camera Sheesh! ;) It was her! She can be a bit of a clutz sometimes and well...last camera bit the dust pretty quick ;)
It was a bit over $200 but less than $300. Thinking you may be able to pick one up for close to the $200 mark with the Black Friday deals coming up! :D
Hope you find one that meets your price point and photo quality soon! :D
Waggin at ya,
Administrative leave! Maybe you should find a lawyer Stumpy.
Been thinking I should get a better camera too but then started noticing I could take pretty good pix with just my little Kodak Easyshare c182. So simple and about $129.
There's a lot to be said for something pricier and nicer but then we couldn't just throw it in a butt pack and go for all sorts of hikes and climbs. And we'd worry more about the ubiquitous dog hair :)
Sigh. Poor Stumpy. I don't know why she always gets blamed for things like this when it was Most Obviously the Ninjas. (They're invisible, you know.)
Wiggles & Wags,
I have a Canon A590 Power Shot. I'm sure they have a more recent Power Shot version out now. I like it except the zoom is not so good and if you're doing inside pictures with low lighting the shutter takes FOREVER to snap. That means critter photos tend to be tails only. Fur kids don't wait around for slow camera shots.
Would love to get a cool Canon Rebel with an assortment of lenses, but that's not in the cards right now.
Good luck. Think of the new camera as a gift from Stumpy!
Critter Alley
Abby's nose started twitching and we just knew there was another doggie being unjustly accused and in need of legal representation.
Stumpy is totally innocent! As the responsible adult AND having prior knowledge of a similar event, it was clearly mom's responsiblity to secure the camera! Wrist straps, a chain that can be worn around the neck - whatever. Stumpy demands reinstatement with back pay and substantial damages.
Hope this posts - we've had a LOT of failures trying to post on your blog.
Jed & Abby the Legal Beagle[mix] Extraordinaire
Cameras are eating up everyone`s money nowadays because of the speed of digital. I use a Nikon D50 no longer partner uses a Nikon D90 which has a few more bells and whistles than mine. I do not have video capabilities on mine so I`m hoping some day to upgrade. I know the fellow at the camera shop because we worked together years I`m hoping he can give me a good deal on a trade-in and up. Nikon really is the way to under $200 is a problem as you`ve probably noticed.
I just got a new camera, a kodak easyshare m23 for about $80 on sale.
So far it looks pretty good, my blog article on it should be posted tonight.
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