Today is the last day to enter Khyra's Khatch Me If You Khan Khontest. Entries must be received tonight, by midnight EST.

Check out the contestant's and the bloopers
To enter "Khyra's Khatch Me If You Khan Khontest," send me a video of your four-legged Khompanion khatching as many treats in a row, as possible. The winner will have a $50.00 gas card donated, in their name, to Khyra's XTerra Transport. They'll also receive a batch of Stumpy's favorite homemade pumpkin/banana/peanut butter cookies (without the banana, if you prefer) and a Petsmart/Petco/Walmart gift card...depending on when I can get out of dirtville and where I go.
It looks like the fun was worth the loss of a nap!
Love the music you added to it! I really like how just as things calm down (about half way thru), Stumpy has to go for more! I guess our dogs are all normal - they act just like this. Thank you for 'normalizing' us all! WHEW.
What a great video you 2.. Stumpy it looks like you don't want Mr. B in your chair..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Sandra, Stumpy would agre with the fun part for a couple of hours, after that she hides.
OP Pack, see the post above.
Brenda, it's a little scary that you are measuring normal by this pack (me included!)
Heelers, Stumpy doesn't want anybody in her chair!
Great video, love the choice of music, yes very 'silent film' like.
Is Stumpy a Clara Bow or a Greta Garbo ?
Wizz :-)
Even the tough girrrrls like some nuzzlin'!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: I wonder what Norwood think?
That is exactly what Sundays should be a nap! :)
Miss Stumpy
Now that's a nap I can get use too! I just wish It was me. Sigh.. good thing I can see Stella. I always think of you when I see her. I mean what am I to do.. you have 2 boys now.
PS- wow mr alfie has turned into a wonderful boy.. I hope he gets a home but then what will stumpy do all day?
Khyra, Stumpy likes the nuzzlin' for a while, but she spends a lot of time hiding from Fenway, too! Norwood has been seeing a lot of Stella, lately. Stumpy is not happy about that. I think this is paybacks!
LWD, Stumpy has tried to convince me of that more than once.
Norwood, Stumpy was hoping this would turn you a little green, but wants you to remember that Fenway is her kuzzin!
When alfy heads for his forever home, Stumpy will return to buggin' me 24/7.
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