I got an email yesterday. The Pet Postcard Project has chosen two of Stumpy's postcards as winners.
"My name is Cheryl and I'm helping Nikki with the Pet Postcard Project. It has become too big for one person! I'm the volunteer prize coordinator. I'm writing you because you won the following items in our September contest:
8 in 1 pet products gift pack
Springer America pet bike exerciser
If you haven't won before or if you have moved, please send me your mailing address so that your awards will go to the right place.
Thank you and we hope to see more of your creative cards soon!
Looking at the prizes,(8 in 1 pet products gift pack,) I think Stumpy's dogvice card won for most photogenic dog (one of 3 winners for the month of September.)

The second prize, a Springer America pet bike exerciser, is awarded to the most athletic dog of the month. I don't know which of the other two post cards shows a lot of athleticism.

I am no longer a collector of stuff and as someone who runs a non profit I really have an intimate knowledge of funding. I didn't enter the contest thinking i would win anything. I did it to help feed the dogs.
I responded with this email:
"Hi Cheryl! wow! I never thought about winning, just helping the dogs... two questions before you send me anything.
Is there a way to donate back the prizes for future fund raising efforts? I am involved in non profit work myself, and understand that might not be possible. It really is all about helping the dogs, in my book, and if it helps to donate the prizes back and save the postage, then I am all for it!
And secondly, is the contest on going? Is Rachel Ray still donating food to shelters? I thought it was just through September. If the postcards will provide the shelters with more food, I will certainly keep sending them. If it's just for prizes, I'd just as soon save the ink, postage and paper.
I can't imagine what a huge endeavor this has been. I am glad Nikki has you to help. Thanks for all you do."
And the response...
I'll answer your second question first. Yes, Rachel Ray is still donating food to the shelters. The agreement is until we reach 6,000 cards, so we still have a few more to go before the second shipment of food. And, great news - Nikki is working on a couple other sources and getting more dog food donations! The entire goal behind the site is to provide food for shelters in need and that remains the main focus.
As far as the prizes go, the items are all donated to our site in support of what we are doing for shelter dogs. Each month, the cards are judged and winners are awarded accordingly. Once you receive an awarded prize, you may decide to keep the items for your own use. You may wish to donate to a shelter of your choice (I know my area shelters appreciate anyone dropping off items for their use) Or, some rescues ask for items (not even dog related) that they can auction to raise money for medical bills for dogs in their care or foster homes needing surgery or expensive medicines, etc.
The site is in it's 3rd year and has become too overwhelming for one person to manage alone. I am honored to play a part in the Pet Postcard Project and work with Nikki.
I hope this answers your questions.
If I make post cards that will continue to help feed shelter dogs, that works for me. I am guessing Nikki Moustaki will be publishing a book, similar to Post Secrets. I don't mind, but I don't need to use any more of my ink, paper or postage to help with that endeavor.
Nikki does a lot for all kinds of animals. I respect her for that. But I am on a budget, ink is expensive, and the "green" issues (ink cartridges, etc.)are part of my decision.
So, yes, I will send a few more postcards and I will be looking for a rescue or shelter that is doing an auction or raffle to send Stumpy's prizes.
Oh! And yay me! I figured out how to do links!
Khongrats fur Stumpy's win!
KHONGRATS KHONGRATS KHONGRATS to woo fur voicing the khoncerns/ideas others had expressed: the paper/etc aspekht of it all!
We khan't wait to see what their reply is!
PeeEssWoo: Mom got a springer sometime ago but has been too lazy to attempt to attach it and take us SOMEWHERE fun!
Congrats on the win! It's so nice of you to offer to donate the prizes back.
Congratulations on winning and that is nice that you donated the prizes back. Good for you!
Stumpy was always a winner in my book. I love that attack foto.. kissing cousins. That was in #1 for me. Just curious.. what rescue Stumpy selects. I know she has a vested interest in us heelers.
All I can say is, hurray for Stumpy!
Congrad's on your winning. That is such a great cause.. Mom still is procrastinating on her postcard. We will get her busy..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Thanks, everyone, for your congrats! although I am real proud of Stumpy and her photgraphic personality, I am mostly proud that she helped to feed the dogs that need it most!
Khyra, its a real effort being green and mindful of waste, here, in dirtville. Recycling is unheard of here.
Sam, no big deal on redonating the prize, we have all the "stuff" we need.
Deborah, thanks for visiting! We'll be over to say hi!
Norwood, I am real fussy about who we help. Not so much fussy but choosy and careful. There are so many scammers, posers and horders out there pretending to be rescues. I have my eye on a ACD rescue here in Az, and am waiting for some information.
Sandra, hurray for all the dogs!
Heelers, you still have time. You have such great photos. Grab a sharpie, write something silly on it, put your information on the back and send it in!
I'm late to say it, but huge congrats! :)
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