Ranch Owner in Jail and Need for Aid is Urgent
CONTACT: Jerry Finch 409-682-6621
19 April 2009
Alliance, Nebraska
At least 60 horses are dead and more than 100 others are seriously emaciated at a mustang facility in Morrill County, Nebraska. Habitat for Horses, an equine rescue organization, received reports last week of problems at the 3-Strikes Ranch. Jerry Finch of the equine rescue organization Habitat for Horses returned from flying over the property early Sunday, and reports that “The situation is even worse than we suspected.” They spotted another 20 animals on the range, several barely able to stand. Another 50-100 emaciated horses are in holding pens with only a small amount of muddy and trampled alfalfa. They are suffering from a variety of ailments including severe worm infestation and terribly neglected hooves. Two young foals, approximately four months old, were found dead. Necropsies have been performed on both; a full report, including toxicology results is due back Friday.
3-Strikes Ranch, according to its web site, is a "Mustang outpost, a Non-Profit habitat to hundreds of mustangs from all over the United States, a natural environment for wild horses to run on the open prairies of the Sand Hills." Mustangs captured by the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that were not adopted after three attempts -- three strikers -- were sent to Jason Meduna at 3-Strikes Ranch. Meduna also accepted horses from people unable to care for their mustangs, and those in need of special training. A number of private owners who had placed horses with Meduna have already retrieved their animals. The BLM was at the facility last week and removed one of the three horses for which they currently hold title. The others were reported to be dead.
Nebraska Mustang Rescue 3-Strikes Ranch Site of Brewing BLM Scandal
60 Horses Dead and 100 More in Peril in Nebraska Mustang Rescue Facility Sanctioned by BLM - Owner Jailed for Animal Cruelty
Website Had Beautiful Photos and Slick Layout
Alliance , Nebraska (HFH) – At least 60 horses are dead and more than 100 others are seriously emaciated at a mustang facility in Morrill County, Nebraska. Habitat for Horses, an equine rescue organization, received reports last week of problems at the 3-Strikes Ranch. Jerry Finch of the equine rescue organization Habitat for Horses returned from flying over the property early Sunday, and reports that “
The situation is even worse than we suspected.” They spotted another 20 animals on the range, several barely able to stand. Another 50-100 emaciated horses are in holding pens with only a small amount of muddy and trampled alfalfa. They are suffering from a variety of ailments including severe worm infestation and terribly neglected hooves. Two young foals, approximately four months old, were found dead. Necropsies have been performed on both; a full report, including toxicology results is due back Friday.
3-Strikes Ranch, according to its web site, is a "Mustang outpost, a Non-Profit habitat to hundreds of mustangs from all over the United States, a natural environment for wild horses to run on the open prairies of the Sand Hills." Mustangs captured by the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that were not adopted after three attempts -- three strikers -- were sent to Jason Meduna at 3-Strikes Ranch. Meduna also accepted horses from people unable to care for their mustangs, and those in need of special training. A number of private owners who had placed horses with Meduna have already retrieved their animals. The BLM was at the facility last week and removed one of the three horses for which they currently hold title. The others were reported to be dead.
According to ranch owner Meduna more than 300 animals were living at the ranch in January. He has attributed the deaths to toxic poisoning, but to date no proof of this has been provided. Meduna is currently in jail on an animal cruelty charge stemming from the horse already removed by the BLM.
Habitat for Horses is assisting local law enforcement, the Bureau of Land Management, and a number of volunteers in caring for these animals.
Hay and feed-based wormer are urgently needed. Local families are urged to contact Finch if they are able to provide tactical support for this operation. Donations for hay are being collected by Front Range Equine Rescue in Colorado. donatebuy@frontrangeequinerescue.org If you do not have access to Paypal you can mail donations to: Front Range Equine Rescue, P.O. Box 307, Larkspur, CO 80118. Please notate on your check and/or Paypal donations that it is for "3-Strikes Mustangs". Any and all help with hay is greatly appreciated.
Habitat for Horses (HfH) is a not-for-profit equine protection agency committed to the prevention, rescue and rehabilitation of neglected, abused and homeless horses. The largest organization of its kind in North America, HfH operates a rehabilitation ranch in Hitchcock, Texas, as well as a growing network of foster homes throughout Texas, Oklahoma, Florida and Louisiana. The organization has taken a leadership role in horse protection issues and has been instrumental in developing and promoting legislation to eliminate the slaughter of American horses. To learn more, visit www.habitatforhorses.org
Hay is needed to keep these horses alive.
donatebuy@frontrangeequinerescue.org is the pay pal address
Please note in the subject it is for 3 Strikes Mustangs
If anyone donates via the American Express feature on the Front Range Equine Rescue site please let us know so Hilary can keep track. The process is a little different through American Express and she is only notified and sent a check once a month.
Please note in the subject it is for 3 Strikes Mustangs
If anyone donates via the American Express feature on the Front Range Equine Rescue site please let us know so Hilary can keep track. The process is a little different through American Express and she is only notified and sent a check once a month.
Front Range Equine Rescue
P.O. Box 307
Larkspur, CO 80118
Asshats. Wonder if we could starve them and give them the same they gave? Too bad our legal system doesn't allow it.
Yeah, I have a longlist of humans that could maybe learn a lesson if they were treated the same way they treated thier animals....statistics show that fines and jail time don't necessarily work.
Now that is just terrible. What is going on in this world today..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What a devastating story. How does this still happen.
What a horrible situation. I was just reading on another blog from someone who had previously two rescue horses go there, and was horrified when they read this news. Luckily, both horses were found alive and are being transferred with a couple of other horses to a new home where they can get the care they deserve. I will just never understand how people let things get to this point.
Utterly abhorrent. I'll share this info with folks we know in the horse community.
GSC-I want to thank you for posting this...I followed your link from dog geek b/c it was such a great name. As I read I felt sicker and sicker and realized this was where 2 of the mustangs I rescued from starvation were sent...from starvation to starvation-how horrifying and heart breaking. I have reports that our two (Chloe and Karma) are alive and I have arranged for 4 (including C&K) to come to the local rescue for training, but first we wait for Jerry Finch to get things in place so we can get to the horses. Thank you so much for posting-I saw you on Fugly Blog so I assume you are involved in the horse world to some degree? Good to "meet" a good animal person-some days they seem few and far between.
Dream Valley Ranch
SMRP!!! well thank goodness!!! you and yours will be in my prayers for a quick return and good health!!!
I have always been a horse lover, but have never owned any. My sisters do so I have always had access, without the responsibility. Dogs are more than enough for me, when it comes to how much I can handle.
Even that, I am sad to say,has been too much over the last few years. I am on the mend now and hoping other factors in my life come together in a way that will alow me to do what I love. In the meantime I rescue people
< a HREF=http://giantspeckledchihuahua.blogspot.com/2009/04/i-rescue-people.html< /a>
dang, i can't get that link thing to save my life... see last sunday's post
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