Stumpy made herself right at home
After shopping all day, and a trip to the dog park, she was whupped!
Whoops! Sorry, Bratty! I didn't mean to wake you!
I won't take anymore picture, you don't have to hide. I promise!
Well, maybe one more...
My camera appears to be in it's death throes :( No pictures of the dog park, or shopping. So far, Stumpy and Fenway are the only ones that have any Christmas presents I fail at shopping :(
Barkley's christmas (this is long, but hysterical, Barkley's people are soooooo silly!)
Online. I do all of my shopping online. I just have to count on Fed Ex / UPS / USPS to show up.
Online. I agree with Thundering Herd.
But it does seem Stumpy enjoys the overnight trip. Stumpy's 'stink eye' ability is impressive!
Have fun today, Cyndi!
Oh that last picture is so cute!!
I never have enough money to shop ahead of time. I'm all about the last minute!
At least you got the important gifts checked off your list!
Okay....watched the video, I can't get past the toliet seat with the razor blades...haha.
Cute Airedale!
I'm sure everybody else on your list has been very naughty. Not Stumpy and Fenway. They are good as gold!
One year when I was quite naive I wrapped dog goodies and put them under the tree. I had only two dogs at the time and they tore off the wrappers and enjoyed themselves thoroughly. I came home just as they were beginning to enjoy a box of chocolates.
No presents with any odor go under my tree now.
Sorry abouts the flashy beast, Stumpy. It seems like the beans like to take it out at the most annoying times. But, well, can you blame her? I mean, you really ARE Most Adorable.
Oh! Mom's gonna try to gets your Wobbler in the mail today.
Wiggles & Wags,
Poor Stumpy. That's about how I felt yesterday after shopping as well. ZzzZZzzzz
TH, two problems with internet shopping. 1) I'm too paranoid to put my information out there, I used to but all the hackings scared me off. 2) No FedX, No UPS and barely a post office. Everythings general delivery and lots disappears!
Brenda, see above comment with regards to online shopping. Stumpy's "stink eye" is epic!
Wyatt, I had to look at the toilet seat a couple of times. Do you suppose it's cutom made?
Carey, that's it! perfect, I'm all set now!
Jan, been there, done that! My mom's 3 pound chi once ate almost a full pound of godiva chocolate and lived to tell the story!
Maizie, Stumpy would like if I never put the camera any where near her! No rush...tiz the season to be doing about a million things, I know!
Kristine, Poor Stumpy???? What about me?
I wonder if Santa Paws noticed how your human kept bugging woo?
Nice pikhs!
PeeEssWoo: We'll chekhk out the video later
It looks like Mom really did tire you out Stumpy.. You are one lucky pup to get to go with Mom shopping or should we say to the park...
What a cute video. Those pups are sure busy..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Stumpy! You're so cute!
That movie was AWESOME! They are so clever. Well, and of course Barkley is a natural.
Ooooo fun! An overnighter shoppin trip! I'd be pooped too if I'd gone to the doggy park and shopped all day!
I'd say the shoppin was a success as long as you have pressies Stumpy ;)
Waggin at ya,
Barbara,used to be better!
Khyra, Santa crossed me off his list, permenantly, a looooooooong time ago!
Heelers, I couldn't believe how fast she settled and didn't bug me all night!
K9K, Thanks, I'll tell her you said so!
Mango, that video just sleyed me!
Roo, Stumpy couldn't figure out why I was shopping for anyone else!
We thought your photos of Stumpy were just beautiful - we just love her eyes. That video was so much fun to watch and listen to. Thanks for sharing it.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
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