Stumpy must, too. When we're in the house, unless she's bugging me she's planted here, looking out the window.
It's not much of a view, but there is a wash back there. A wash is like a desert highway. All sorts of animals treat the washes as a major thorough fare. Cougar, coyote, bobcat, feral dogs, snakes, open range cattle and horses leave tracks, regularly.
Stumpy's not a noisy dog. She rarely barks, growls or even whines.
But I can tell there's something going on back there by paying attention to her ear action.
Just in time for Christmas, Dexter, has joined blog land.
He has a Christmas list he shared, recently.
Dexter also has has mad musical skillz! He plays multiple instruments, sings, raps
and writes his own lyrics, based on his adventures and aspirations.
Dexter's been busy! He's got his own YouTube Channel. He's produced and directed films like "Kill Da Piggie" " Dexter vs. the Squirrel," "Dexter Learns Sarcasm," and many more!
Way to go Stumpy!
Keep those khritters on their toes!
Thanks fur sharing Dexter - khwite the khomplete pakhkage!
PeeEssWoo: Thanks fur the Stumpy khard woo sent from Dirtville! It arrived in Pawsylvania Friday afternoon!
Stumpy you sure know where to sit.. We are with you, you never know what you might see out that window.. We sit by ours waiting on the mailman, UPS man, kids, cars....
The Dexter sure is one talented pup...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Stumpy!! You are very intelligent!!
Stumpy looks like the master of all she surveys. Mistress doesn't have quite the right ring.
My poor dogs have only one window they can reach, looking out on the fenced backyard where nothing ever happens except in their fertile imaginations.
Phantom is the window watcher here, he can sit for hours and stare out the window. We used to joke he was looking for his puppy, but he still watches and Mom doesn't think he wants another puppy:)
Dexter is such a cutie, and has some very clever humans too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Stumpy needs to have a talk with Howard and Grace. They are not quiet dogs. And Howard WHINES all the time. Really.
who needs an expensive security system with you on watch? :)
Dexter is hysterical!
Wyatt and Stanzie
You look like somethin out of National Geographic out there in the wild desert scape right at home with the creatures. Hey, do you have horney toad lizards there? Mom said they spit blood from their eyes. I'd like to meet one :)
Waggin at ya,
Oh my, those videos! Thanks for giving me some great laughs to start the day!
Khyra, glad to know you got the card! Dexter does seem to be the complete package, small but mighty!
Heeler's, Stumpy has the best seat in the house because she's got so many! I'm trying to hook her up with one in the front window... the desk just isn't working for me!
K9K, Too smart for her own good, most days!
Jan, Stumpy is convinced she is the Queen of Everything!
OP Pack, You think Stumpy's looking for a puppy???
Sandra, I do miss a dog talking to me, one I can howl with; but a quiet dog has it's advantages, too!
Wyatt, she's got that covered for sure!
Roo, we do have horny toads, and I've heard the smae thing. I also know dogs get very sick when they catch them, but the toads don't get eaten, I'm guessing whatever they squirt doesn't taste good.
K9friend, Glad you enjoyed Dexter, I know I did!
Stumpy, We loves to sit by the window and watch for anyone or anything that comes into view. Sometimes though we don't like what we see and we'll try to let them know it, but for the most part we love the window. Glad to know you have a spot to watch to world go by from.
Bones and Treats
Bronson and Pepper
Stumpy, you have a great sentry post! And what a view - I love desert washes and its life. Somehow, here in the city... it all gets lost and forgotten.
Keep up the good work!
thanks for posting my videos Stumpy!!! i shared your blog on my facbook page :)
xoxo dexter is my facebook pg...sorry for the mistake..
Stumpy why not just push the blinds away?
woof - Tucker
K9Friend, glad you enjoyed them. the pleasure was all mine!
Bronson and Pepper, Stumpy has a selection of place to view the neighborhood. Each one more comfortable than the last.
Brenda, the wash behind us is awesome and a little scary, when you consider the cast of characters that frequent it. I'd love for the back of the house to be one big window. The critters I would see! Then I would really need your camera!
Dexter, we're your biggest fan, and I "liked" you back on FB!
Tucker! PLEASE don't give her any ideas! Alf showed her how to eat the blinds a couple of times. Fortunately, Stumpy wasn't into it!
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