I've mentioned in earlier posts that Stumpy is a working dog. Her day includes numerous tasks around the house and in my life including, but not limited to chief bottle washer, navigator and co-pilot,and coyote patrol,
In the past Stumpy has worked at the food bank, and done stints as both a and cover dog and calendar model.
Most recently, I mentioned she sometimes washed my kitchen floor. That got me thinking about the 5 Second Rule. As a concerned dog person, I wouldn't want Stumpy eating anything that wasn't fit for human consumption. Although I don't eat dog food, most quality dog foods, on the marked at least meet, if not exceed, people food, in regard to standard.
I found this diagram that may help you to decide whether or not our 4 legged companions should be cleaning our floors. Although it's intended for humans, working on the theory that I wouldn't feed my dog anything I didn't feel was up to human standards.
Click to bigify!

You know what? Never mind. Stumpy wouldn't be happy with a demotion and my kitchen floor would have to be washed a lot more frequently if Stumpy wasn't on the job!
"The 30-Second Rule, A Decision Tree" by Audrey Fukuman and Andy Wright. Click to enlarge.
Awwwww Stumpy! Youre so cute! Are you part chihuahua?
As long as the sticky side lands face up...Eat it! Hahah
Wyatt and Stanzie
Well thought out chart, but you lost us when we got to the part about you can only eat a raw steak if you're a puma. Please, get serious!
We've never had to worry about a 5 second rule. We can usually catch a dropped tidbit before it hits the floor.
Jed & Abby
We are like Jed and Abby, the five second rule only applies if the food actually makes it to the floor. That is very rare around here.
Funny diagram :) Mom taught me take it leave it to help me determine what I could vacuum and what she would vacuum ;)
Waggin at ya,
Khyra, Stumpy thought the same thing, "Ha! As if...!!!
K9K, only in her mind. We know her mom was a min pin and, judging from her coat and markings, assume her dad was a cattle dog aka blue heeler.
Wyatt, Stumpy doesn't much care about the sticky side!
Jed and Abby, good point! Poor Stumpy, she's not allowed in the kitchen until something falls to the floor.
TTH, I can't imagine being in the kitchen with a pack of dogs underfoot!
Roo, Stumpy is forced to adhere to the same rule.
With four dogs we have more of a nanosecond rule.
Haha! I thought the 5 second rule meant: if it lasts on the floor for 5 seconds... which, in our house, nothing drops on the floor and stays there 5 seconds! Like Jan said, we have a nanosecond rule... :-)
Stumpy, you are the best.
That sure is one complicated map of stuff. Like it took me more than five seconds to even read it. Know what I mean? Hey! If it's on the floor, eat it. Heck, when momma took out her winter coat for the first time this season she found some old training treats in the pockets. They tasted fine to me.
Letting us dogs eat stuffs off the floor is a win-win for everybuddy. And besides, I'm sure that 5 seconds for humans equals 3 weeks in dog seconds.
Wiggles & Wags,
Yep, we should always be allowed to eat floor stuffs!
Nubbin wiggles,
LOL! Very good call!
Jan, the nanosecond rule makes more sense!
Brenda, if it got to the floor that would be something!
Mango,Stumpy agrees with your line of thinking. and judging from some ot the thngs she's rolled in, she'll take that one step further! The older, the better!
Mayzie,The beans could use a couple of extra legs to speed things up, eh?
Oskar, I have to agree. either that or I have to learn to enjoy washing floors.
LWD, it took me awhile to figure out, much to Stumpy's dismay.
Anything that gets dropped here really doesn't have much chance to hit the floor, much less last 3 to 5 seconds.
Recently Vespa has taken up trying to get the food off the spoon or fork midway from plate to my mouth. Gives new meaning to pet hair in my food - still attached to pet!
We agree the 5 second rule does NOT apply to dogs.. It only applies if Mom can get there before 1, 2, 3, 4....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I think the 5 second rule turns into the 5 day rules when dogs are involved! My Buddy agrees!
Dogsmom, thankfully Stumpy isn't tall enough to reach my fork!
Heelers, good point!
Carey, If something lasted on my floor for 5 days I would have to fire Stumpy!
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