I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.

For me they are the role model for being alive.

~ Gilda Radner

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rescue Me Week Pupdate! Willie the Briard

Thanks, Grampa J!

The Briard,formerly known as
but now known as Willie, has been adopted!

I posted Willie in honor of my sister, Pam's Birthday.
Pam immediately sent out emails to the Briard internet network .

She received the news yesterday.

"Last Wednesday Pam posted that there was a Briard in a high kill shelter in Los Angeles. I immediately inquired about him. Everything was going against this poor guy. The small Briard community here along with a small dog rescue in my neighborhood came together to help him. Some people that I do not know went to the shelter, took pictures, and sent them to Jane. He was a Briard Wannabe with cropped ears!!!! The odds were not good for him because AGGRESSIVE was written on his kennel. My daughter told me to post his story on Face Book which I did. There was immediate response.

There are real ANGELS in this world. A lovely lady came forward who already has two Briards and an Old English Sheep Dog and a cat. She didn't care if it was a Briard mix or that he had been labeled AGGRESSIVE. She went down to visit him on Sunday and found out that he was not AGGRESSIVE but just scared. The dog let her pet him, wagged his tail continuously, and even gave her a kiss! She found out that animal control had found him chained to a fence with only a 2' chain, matted to the skin, and covered with his own feces. He was malnourished and had been in the shelter since October 25th due to a pending court case. He had be labeled AGGRESSIVE out of fear when they went to chip him down. Although 5 years old, he probably was never groomed. With AGGRESSIVE on his kennel his chances of adoption were NOT good!

This ANGEL of a woman adopted him this afternoon. He will be picked up tomorrow after he is neutered. He will be going to a lovely home for rehab and loving care and then the ANGEL will find him a forever loving home.

BTW, one of the kind ladies on FACE BOOK named him WILLIE. Wishing WILLIE a wonderful future full of love and caring."

Rescue Me Week project.
Is a celebration of Mayzie's Grampa J; his life and love of animals.

ADOPT! Don't shop!!!

* some names have been changed to protect privacy.


Anonymous said...

Mom and me are still kinda speechless here. I'm just SOOOOO happy all over, right down to my bones, for sweet Willie. I know he's gonna have a Most Wonderful life now, full of dee-lishous nommables and soft beds and lotsa toys to de-stuff...er...play with. Thank you, thank you, for helping make a true MIRACLE happen!

Sending you lots and LOTS of gooey brindle kisses!

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

What a cool ending to this story! It brought happy tears to my eyes!

Unknown said...

Wonderful news!! I am so thankful that he has been given a chance! Often times, dogs are mislabeled & end up paying the ultimate price for it. Thank you so much for posting about Willie : )

Pauley James

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohhh that is so wonderful, what a fabulous lady and way to go Willy you have made my eyes go all leaky but in the best possible way

Momma Tea
x x x

Random Felines said...

Great job!!! We are so glad Willie is safe....

HoundDogMom said...

Super Duper Awesome. We had like 4 bassets get adopted in the last week since we featured them. This was a such a great way to find homes for the fur-babies. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I am so happy for Willie!!!!!! I hate to hear about any animal being abused!!!!!!!!! I know it happens all the time but I can't stand to hear about it unless it has a happy ending!!! If I could I would have so many animals!! I believe in taking the best care of them that I know how to do so I only have one cat and one dog. Zoie is my NEW dog got just 8 days ago!!!
I lost my last girl of heart failure.
come over a visit please.
xx Zoie (dog) Happy (cat) & Fern (Mom)

Matilda the Boxer said...

That's so wonderful! I'm so happy for Willie. Miracles can happen when folks come together!

What Remains Now said...

This is wonderful! What a happy, happy story!

booahboo said...

There are miracles in this world... goodness always comes first full circle. Most dogs are not really aggressive.. they are mostly scared because people has done things to them.

Thank you to the sweet lady who went all out to give Willie a forever home.

Scooter said...

Hey stumpy!
Wow, what a wonderful story! With all the bad we hear, it's so great to read a real life miracle and happy ending. Mayzie did a wonderful event!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

bbes tribe said...

How wonderful is that!!! Thanks for sharing the update. Wishing Willie continued happiness in his new home.

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

What a joyful and wonderful story! I'm so happy to hear about another "aggressive" dog who was just misunderstood, and who was given a chance by someone who knew better.

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

Can you hear us? We are over here clapping our hearts out over this awesome news!!!! (It even brought tears to my eyes!) And the best part of the whole story was you, because if it wasn't for you finding him and posting about him, poor Willie would still be in that shelter! Thank you!!!

Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy, Lilibell and the Mom

rottrover said...

Oh Stumpy!! this makes two dogs that you, personally, have changed the lives of! You are a magic girl!!

-Bart and Ruby

Marg said...

That sure was some very successful team work. We are so glad someone took Willie. What a great story. We sure are glad Mayzie and her family did this rescue week.

rottrover said...

I just googled "briard dog" because I couldn't picture what Willy would look like. There was an article called, "Briard, a Heart Wrapped in Fur"!!

He's gonna be a handsome boy :-)

Dachshund Nola said...

Yay so glad he found a home!
Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola

Anonymous said...

That is soooo awesome! Miracles CAN and DO happen! :)


H Ski said...

What great news!! Glad to hear another success story!

Berts Blog said...

wow, the power of the people and dogs. What are the odds. A special thanks to Mayzie girl for getting us all out there working towards good endings.

And way to go Stumpy to you and your family.

So glad to get to know you through the adoption week.


Anonymous said...

How super exciting that is! We're so happy that Mr. Willie will be luved and cared for, he looks like a really sweet guy!



My Mind's Eye said...

Mom and I came over from Mayzie's to read all about Willie...OMC what a lucky fellow he is to have been found by his special angel!!
Mom and I are sure Grandpa J has a great big smile on his face today.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Kristine said...

That is fantastic news! I am so happy for Willie and his new home! Thank you for writing this great follow-up.

Unfortunately, poor Bella, the dog I wrote about for Rescue Me week is still at the shelter, where she has been for quite a few months. :-(

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!! Yay!!

Elyse and Riley

K9 Katastrophie said...

This brought tears to mommy's eyes out of joy!


Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so happy for Willie. Yeah for Mayzie for doing Rescue Me Week in Grandpa J's memory and yeah for you for posting about Willie.

Laura Anne said...

Its always a great things when an animal is saved from being killed! My two cats were adopted~ they are eternally grateful, except when they're hungry... :P haha

Two Pitties in the City said...

I loved hearing this! What a fantastic, amazing story!

24 Paws of Love said...

How wonderful!! We are so happy for you Willie!!

Two Grad Students and a Pittie said...

what an amazinggg story!

Duke said...

We are just thrilled for Willie! yahoooooooooooo

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm visiting for Mayzie's place. That is the most wonderful story. We are so happy to hear that Willie has been rescued and will have a new home. Miracles do happen!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is truly a wonderful, wonderful save and Willie deserves all the love headed his way!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a great story!

The only thing that khould have made it better would have found him relokhating to Dirtville!

Thanks SO much!

PeeEssWoo: We khan only hope that one day the unhumans get treated as they've mistreated -

houndstooth said...

What a fantastic story! I am so thrilled to read this!

Anonymous said...

Incredible! Fantastic! Dang I'm leaking and that's just fine :D Wahooooooo for Willie! And paws up to everyone involved! Way to go Stumpy! Way to go Mayzie! Way to go Angel Lady! :D

Waggin at ya,

Anonymous said...

We just tawdled over from Mayzie's place. WHAT A GREAT STORY! What a wonderful person. Here's to Willie!!!!

Arooo, Stuart

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

OMD!!! Stumpy and I are seriously overwhelmed by all your comments and so many positive responses to Willie's rescue. We’re working our way through your blogs and emails to thanks you individually.
I just want everyone to know that Stumpy and I were merely pawns in this rescue. The real thanks goes to Mayzie's Grampa J who directed Willie's rescue, The Briard network who ran to the rescue and to the Angel Lady who stepped up to the plate.

I know each and every one of us do whatever we can to support the animals, the rescues and each other in our quest to make the world a better place. Each little miracle is the direct result of like minded people doing what they can do.

Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me

An English Shepherd said...

Great to read :-)

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Thanks for your visit!!!!
Zoie & Fern

Asta said...


This just makes me wag wif delight!
i was so sad about all the fuwwkids we posted about fow wescoo me week ..so many in need of love and homes..to find out that willie had such a miwacle because of it is wondewful!
i pway that all the othews find loving wawm homes too
smoochie kisses

tula monstah said...

Arooo.. fur Willie! Wow..amazed how it all came together so quickly too! yay Willie! Yay for you! and all those who helped make it happend!!!

click and lots of treats!!!


Donna said...

I am so glad Mr. Doggeh has a new home! Yay for adoption! :)

Tucker said...

Wonderful news!!

woof - Tucker

Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

Hi Cyndi, thank you for the heads up on that Chihuahua! I do appreciate the info. you've sent me so far, however, I have no idea what is going on with my friend and her Mom. I forwarded your last response to her, and never really heard any good feedback from them. So for now, until I hear further from them, I'm going to suspend my search, unfortunately (too bad from some Chi that needs a home :( ). I wish I could take in a rescue, but Chewy, being the big brat that he is, lol!, does not play well at all!! with other dogs and it would never work out.

Pat Wahler said...

I'm so glad for the happy ending. At least the shelter made him available for adoption. Sometimes high kill shelters euthanize immediately if they feel a dog is "aggressive".

Critter Alley

SusanA said...

I am totally fascinated by that dog. I don't think I've ever seen a Briard. Glad he made the escape too.