Dirtville, here we come!
We packed the truck and said, "Baa maa pii," (until the next time) to family and friends.
Our last stop, in Massachusetts, was Baxter's house, Stumpy's BFF.

She slept through New York
And is now watching television in Pennsylvania
No Animal Planet, here, though! Can you imagine???
Stumpy's not happy!
303 miles down, 2413ish miles to go.
And we aren't happy either -
We SOOOOOOOOO wanted to meet woo prior to your return to Dirtville -
BUT, Mom is trying to appease herself by repeating her mantra: things happen fur reasons - with things don't happen fur reasons too -
Enjoy a khomfy night's sleep too!
Khyra and The Goldn Khousins
Too bad you have to go back, seems like you both fit right in there in MA. Safe travels back. At least it won't be as hot in Kansas or as stormy as the first trip.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Safe Travels. Give us a holler if you accidentally take a right turn and end up in Oregon!
Wyatt and Stanzie
I hope you two have a safe trip home. It sounds like you had a good trip so far!
Elyse and Riley
I did not know you were retuning to dirtville. I am sort of sad about that. But you must have reason, so I will accept it as the right thing to do. Be safe.
I am excited you are returning to Dirtville! You will be closer, and there is always a chance we will find each other. Stumpy looks at home at Dirtville, but I worry now. Sounds like Stumpy fits in MA, too. Hmmmmm, maybe Stumpy is a guy of many places. I like that!!!
Anyway, with you closer... the miles feel less. Drive carefully. This winter won't be complete without you two near us in arizonaville OK?
Stumpy- go figure, i was just thinking about woo today! wondering if woo were still in MA.. :( cry cry cry. whine whine whine... we were suppose to gang up on norweed!!
safe travels,
awww, miss stumpy, i'm sorry you are missin' massachusetts and your friends 'n family. :(
pretty please have a safe trip back to dirtville, okie dokie? i hope you got a big baggie full of apples to take home with you, too!
the booker man
hey stumpy, i know you're missing your family and friends now, but winters there are too cold! chin up, girl, you'll be back in your old stomping grounds in a couple of days! happy trails, and safe travels!
We love the last shot. Stumpy you look pretty bored...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Safe Travels. You'll be back in your own bed before you know it.
safe travels... homeward bound.
woof - Tucker
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