I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.

For me they are the role model for being alive.

~ Gilda Radner

Friday, October 29, 2010

Look familiar?

We arrived in dirtville yesterday afternoon. Stumpy assumed coyote watch, immediately.

The pump on our well seems to have failed, so we have no running water.
And apparently we had a lightning strike that killed the computer's router/modem, so no internet until just awhile ago. Grrrrrr!

Last year, when we returned in the heat of the summer, and the air conditioner was dead. Is someone trying to tell me something??

Stumpy must be recovering from the long journey.

She couldn't be bothered to get out of the chair to dance with the flies.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A special request

Please send some healing vibes, prayers, good mojo and/or whatever else you've got to my buddies over at Dream Valley Ranch. Smrpie has been doctoring Chloe, a wild and charmed mustang for the better part of three weeks. Chloe is rallying but is not out of the danger zone.

Then, in the early hours of the morning, 13 year old Count Basie aka the Woodle woke up vomiting, and then collapsed.

I know your good thoughts, prayers, etc. will be appreciated!

Smrpie (I pronounce that "Smurp pie" in my head) is one of the founders of the Huppie Syndicate. The Huppie Syndicate was kind enough to list Alf on their petfinder list and offered to help with his vet bill, too! Although, their main focus is horses, Smrpie has taken in a lot of dogs, considered to be unadoptable and given them a life that I could only dream of!

If you want to know someone that works miracles and moves mountains for the animals, read the DVR blog from the beginning. Mrs. and Mr. Smrpie go above and beyond!

My little trials and tribulations and my angst with regard to returning to dirtville seem so inconsequential...

The wind blowing across the desert were more brutal than usual. The truck was constantly being buffeted by high winds and watching 18-wheelers ziggin' and zaggin' on the highway took it's toll on me. No pictures were taken on the road, today. both hands were on the wheel at all times!

As much as I can't stand the thought of returning to Dirtville, I can't wait to be off the road.

Stumpy supervised while I threw our stuff in the truck, this morning.

I guess she thought I could handle the job on my own because I caught her napping on the job (yet again)

I'm recovering, Stumpy's in my face (literally) bugging me for a walk and her dinner...

2390 miles down, 437ish miles to go

Stumpy got her walk BEFORE I finished this post! We know who wears the pants in this family!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stumpy is on the look out for Amarillo

"You told me it's just over the next rise!"

I was looking forward to poking around old Route 66, in Amarillo. No one told me it was all one-way streets. One-way streets in strange cities freak me out. So we're holed up in our motel room.

We've been for our walk and after games of tug and fetch Stumpy amused herself for a few minutes

She gets bored quickly, though.

Soon the tug will be back in my lap.

2038 miles down, 797ish miles to go.

Monday, October 25, 2010

We're OK in OK

Stumpy was bound and determined that I wasn't going to leave her behind this morning

I asked her to move and she did (ever so slightly)

When I asked her to move away from the door, she moved just enough that I had to trip over her to get to the door

She's not happy (as noted by the "talking" ears)

We finally got in the car and once again I was made aware of a weird emotional attachment I've developed

Those are Alf's nose prints, left over from his ride to California in July. When I see them. I can see Alf sitting beside me, looking forward to his new life.

We sure do miss that boy!
The reason I mention this embarrassing attachment, is because with the sun setting earlier they are beginning to become a problem. I either have to get off the road, early to reduce the glare from the nose prints or wash the window. I got off the road early today :)

Anyways, we made it to Oklahoma. I think Stumpy may think I am pondering replacing her as navigator. She did a pretty good job today

When she wasn't staring at me

But I did catch her dozing once...

Stumpy has entered Norwood's Fright Week Monstah Mash Up Costume Parade! We won't be able to get her a costume so I sent Norwood a picture I had taken of Stumpy, earlier this year,when she was clearly possessed!. It's not as contest, but for each entry Norwood is going to send a piece of green paper to Khyra, to help with funding Khyra's XTerra Transport. Khyra's Kheeper/Mom/chauffeur does at least one transport every weekend, helping dogs who have been pulled from abusive situations and high kill shelters on their way to a happily ever after forever home. Last weekend she did transports on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Goooooooo Norwood!!!

1,645 miles down, 1,091 miles to go. We've passed the halfway point.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Back On Duty

Stumpy must like Tennessee. She stayed awake all day!

Maybe she's over her disappointment at not making the scene at Khamp Khyra. Khyra's Kheeper and chauffeur dedicated Saturdays' transport, a malinois named Miller, in our honor! (You can check out his photobucket album, complete with videos by clicking on his name)

I know that helped me to feel better about missing Khyra, Merdie and Harley. I'm sure it perked Stumpy up!

We ran into some pretty strong thunder and lightning. Stumpy's recovering

1,253 miles down, 1,585ish miles to go.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

My navigator bailed on me

She was all business when we left Pennsylvania

But, that didn't last long

She was fast sleep, in no time.

She dozed her way through Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia

She only woke up (just barely) for pit stops and to share an apple

Or to ask,"Are we there, yet?"

And, "How much longer?"

And even then, just barely.

We're in Tennesse. She's had her dinner and is waiting (not so patiently) for another walk

822 miles down, 2013ish miles to go

Friday, October 22, 2010

We miss you already!!! or...

Dirtville, here we come!

We packed the truck and said, "Baa maa pii," (until the next time) to family and friends.

Our last stop, in Massachusetts, was Baxter's house, Stumpy's BFF.

Stumpy enjoyed the foliage in Connecticut

She slept through New York

And is now watching television in Pennsylvania

No Animal Planet, here, though! Can you imagine???

Stumpy's not happy!

303 miles down, 2413ish miles to go.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's apple time in Apple Town

And Stumpy's enjoying the season's offerings

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Stumpy does the North Shore or

From Sea to Shining Sea

Stumpy and I are blessed to have a wonderful sister who lives on the north shore of Boston.

Last week we traveled up into New Hampshire and then east to follow Route 1A through Hampton Beach, Salisbury Beach, Newburyport, Ipswich and Gloucester. It was one of the few really nice days we've seen in the last couple of weeks. Temperatures rose into the high 70's. Perfect weather for our little road trip to the beach cities and old fishing towns in Massachusets.

Stumpy got her feet wet, but once again, I didn't let her swim

I know, I know....I'm such a party pooper

She climbed on the rocks, as sure-footed as a mountain goat.

And did her very best Rin Tin Tin pose for me

We had a great time on the North Shore and we'll share more in our next post!

I just want to say thanks to my sister and her family for sharing their little piece of heaven with us! It's always so hard to leave there, and the return trip is always too long in coming!

Sunset on Eagle River

Monday, October 4, 2010

It's too cold to swim :(

Stumpy's game enough

and waits for me to throw the ball

But when she gets out of the water

She'll be shivering like a chihuahua (no offense intended)

She'll have to stick to sun-bathing...
According to the weather fools, that won't be happening any time soon, either.