I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.
For me they are the role model for being alive.
~ Gilda Radner
For me they are the role model for being alive.
~ Gilda Radner
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
dem bones
After doing such a good job bottle washing, Stumpy got a bonus.
She wasn't thrilled when I sat down next to her. She probably thought I was going to take her bone away. She's not growling at me in the picture below. Her lip is stuck on her gums or something.

A feeble attempt to hide her bone. Has she been taking lessons from Khyra?

Really, she gets them a couple times a week. It's a good way to tucker her out and enable her OCDness.
And just because I can and I think babies are ALMOST as cute as dogs (as long as they don't get too close.
She wasn't thrilled when I sat down next to her. She probably thought I was going to take her bone away. She's not growling at me in the picture below. Her lip is stuck on her gums or something.
A feeble attempt to hide her bone. Has she been taking lessons from Khyra?
Really, she gets them a couple times a week. It's a good way to tucker her out and enable her OCDness.
And just because I can and I think babies are ALMOST as cute as dogs (as long as they don't get too close.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Berner News
I am pretty much obsessed with this dog. I find it hard, especially in the mornings, to do ANYTHING until he arrives for breakfast. Although I have fostered feral dogs, I have never been the one to bring them in. I could put him on a leash and bring him in at this point, but he was so traumatized the last time, I don't know if that's the thing to do. Plus, I am not really set up here to keep him in the house, as I learned last time. He really needs a fenced yard. What to do what to do, anybody have a clue?
Please advise.
Saturday, March 20
I discovered the Berner's weakness for cheese
I can call him up on the deck to eat AND set the bowl right at my feet!

After he eats he gets his cheese

He stayed for some scritches and a quick massage.
Instead of running right off, he sits for a few minutes, on one of Stumpy's cushions, probably hoping for more cheese.

He "talked" to me a little,too. I hear some Marshall Tucker Band lyrics in my head: "If I ever settle down, you'd be my kind. And it's a good time for me to head on down the line."
Sunday, March 21
I didn't see that darned dog all day or evening. Doesn't he know I worry?
Monday, March 22
That durned dog must have snuck in in the middle of the night and ate some kibble. He's either not too hungry or getting fussy because he didn't finish it all.
Tuesday, March 22
The Berner boy showed up within minutes of me having to leave for work; after I already pushed it passed the last minute
He ate all his dinner, had his birthday cake and his cheese and left. THEN HE CAME BACK!!! Fortunately, I had saved a bite of cake and some cheese for Stumpy, so he got those, too. (Sorry, Stumpy!)
He talked to me for a couple seconds while he paced the deck and then headed down the stairs.

He stopped about midway down the driveway, and had a little howl!
I love me a dog that howls. Stumpy is the first dog I have ever had that won't howl with me.
Then he continued on his way. Stopped and looked back one more time, before heading up the road.
Wednesday. March 24, 4:30am
I had already hit the snooze on my alarm several times when the neighbor's dogs started barking. The Berner was out on the deck eating his kibble. I keep his good eats all ready in the fridge, so they are ready when he shows up. He didn't stay long this morning. No time for a scritch. It appeared there was something up the street that required his attention as he stopped eating several times to gaze in that direction. No pictures either. It was too dark and I wasn't quite awake enough to remember the camera.
Thursday, March 25
The sun was up when the Berner arrived this morning.
He was a little flinchy and really didn't wanted to be pet.
I took some pictures from above to show how skinny he is, still.

His coat does a pretty good job of covering the truth. But, he has put on some weight. He is only coming by once a day to eat, these days. The last two days he hasn't even finished his breakfast.
He left the deck to get a drink. I have a big bucket of fresh water on the deck, but he wanted to drink out of the yucky bird 'n' bunny water.

Then he returned for more cheese, but didn't stay long.
Friday, March 26
10am and still no Berner boy, unless he came before I got up. I slept until 6am this morning. If he stopped by he didn't touch his kibble.
Finally! 11pm he shows up, eats his breakfast (it's been in the fridge all day) and then climbs into Stumpy's chair to nap!

Saturday, March 27
5:30am, He's still here! He spent the night!

By 6:30 he was gone. In spite of my keeping a half an eye on him he slipped away without me seeing :( If I had, I would have convinced him to stay a little longer, with some cheese.
noon-thirty: He's back, but I wasn't quick enough to grab the camera or his bowl. I did have some cheese on hand so he got that. He had some thorns in his chin and I stupidly grabbed his collar so I could pull them out. He didn't like that, but always the gentleman he only yipped. I got most of them out but there was one that I just couldn't grab without holding him. He's still being flinchy about pats, too.
I tried to lure him into the house with cheese, but he wasn't going for it.
Is he getting too much cheese? I wonder!
6:30pm: He's back again! Stumpy was out so she let me know. She's not liking the Berner these days. Well, not if there's food out on the deck. If she can't have that food ain't no one going to get it. Fortunately, she is easily distracted by tossing some cheese into the house. He ate his dinner, and I tossed some pieces of chees into the entry way to kind of get him going in that direction. He didn't have any problem with that. He had a roll in the driveway in the driveway before he went on his way.
Three visits in one day! I'm excited!
25 years later, I still Love Marshall Tucker Band!
Please advise.
Saturday, March 20
I discovered the Berner's weakness for cheese
I can call him up on the deck to eat AND set the bowl right at my feet!
After he eats he gets his cheese
He stayed for some scritches and a quick massage.
Instead of running right off, he sits for a few minutes, on one of Stumpy's cushions, probably hoping for more cheese.
He "talked" to me a little,too. I hear some Marshall Tucker Band lyrics in my head: "If I ever settle down, you'd be my kind. And it's a good time for me to head on down the line."
Sunday, March 21
I didn't see that darned dog all day or evening. Doesn't he know I worry?
Monday, March 22
That durned dog must have snuck in in the middle of the night and ate some kibble. He's either not too hungry or getting fussy because he didn't finish it all.
Tuesday, March 22
The Berner boy showed up within minutes of me having to leave for work; after I already pushed it passed the last minute
He ate all his dinner, had his birthday cake and his cheese and left. THEN HE CAME BACK!!! Fortunately, I had saved a bite of cake and some cheese for Stumpy, so he got those, too. (Sorry, Stumpy!)
He talked to me for a couple seconds while he paced the deck and then headed down the stairs.
He stopped about midway down the driveway, and had a little howl!
I love me a dog that howls. Stumpy is the first dog I have ever had that won't howl with me.
Then he continued on his way. Stopped and looked back one more time, before heading up the road.
Wednesday. March 24, 4:30am
I had already hit the snooze on my alarm several times when the neighbor's dogs started barking. The Berner was out on the deck eating his kibble. I keep his good eats all ready in the fridge, so they are ready when he shows up. He didn't stay long this morning. No time for a scritch. It appeared there was something up the street that required his attention as he stopped eating several times to gaze in that direction. No pictures either. It was too dark and I wasn't quite awake enough to remember the camera.
Thursday, March 25
The sun was up when the Berner arrived this morning.
He was a little flinchy and really didn't wanted to be pet.
I took some pictures from above to show how skinny he is, still.
His coat does a pretty good job of covering the truth. But, he has put on some weight. He is only coming by once a day to eat, these days. The last two days he hasn't even finished his breakfast.
He left the deck to get a drink. I have a big bucket of fresh water on the deck, but he wanted to drink out of the yucky bird 'n' bunny water.
Then he returned for more cheese, but didn't stay long.
Friday, March 26
10am and still no Berner boy, unless he came before I got up. I slept until 6am this morning. If he stopped by he didn't touch his kibble.
Finally! 11pm he shows up, eats his breakfast (it's been in the fridge all day) and then climbs into Stumpy's chair to nap!
Saturday, March 27
5:30am, He's still here! He spent the night!
By 6:30 he was gone. In spite of my keeping a half an eye on him he slipped away without me seeing :( If I had, I would have convinced him to stay a little longer, with some cheese.
noon-thirty: He's back, but I wasn't quick enough to grab the camera or his bowl. I did have some cheese on hand so he got that. He had some thorns in his chin and I stupidly grabbed his collar so I could pull them out. He didn't like that, but always the gentleman he only yipped. I got most of them out but there was one that I just couldn't grab without holding him. He's still being flinchy about pats, too.
I tried to lure him into the house with cheese, but he wasn't going for it.
Is he getting too much cheese? I wonder!
6:30pm: He's back again! Stumpy was out so she let me know. She's not liking the Berner these days. Well, not if there's food out on the deck. If she can't have that food ain't no one going to get it. Fortunately, she is easily distracted by tossing some cheese into the house. He ate his dinner, and I tossed some pieces of chees into the entry way to kind of get him going in that direction. He didn't have any problem with that. He had a roll in the driveway in the driveway before he went on his way.
Three visits in one day! I'm excited!
25 years later, I still Love Marshall Tucker Band!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
watchin' you watchin' me
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Literally, sled dogs
or "Ode to the End of Winter"
Truffles? Sola? Friends of yours?
"River and Trout are two very goofy and fun loving Labrador Retriever brothers and alpine enthusiasts. They like to spend winter weekends at Sugarbush In Warren Vermont playing in the woods and body snurfing or body sledding/belly whopping in the snow."
Truffles? Sola? Friends of yours?
"River and Trout are two very goofy and fun loving Labrador Retriever brothers and alpine enthusiasts. They like to spend winter weekends at Sugarbush In Warren Vermont playing in the woods and body snurfing or body sledding/belly whopping in the snow."
This day in history
March 23, 2007
Stumpy came into our life as a last chance rehab. She was a wild, 6 month old, skinny, frightened, unsocialized, bag of bones.

Stumpy got a piece of birthday cake, after breakfast.

And we saved a piece for Berner boy

Stumpy didn't think that was necessary.

Stumpy hopes, for her barkday, everyone will go BACK over to Ben's blog for a fundraiser update and write in his comment section, "Rescue dogs ROCK!"

Thanks, to Khuzzin Merdie for the heads up!
Stumpy came into our life as a last chance rehab. She was a wild, 6 month old, skinny, frightened, unsocialized, bag of bones.

Stumpy got a piece of birthday cake, after breakfast.
And we saved a piece for Berner boy
Stumpy didn't think that was necessary.
Stumpy hopes, for her barkday, everyone will go BACK over to Ben's blog for a fundraiser update and write in his comment section, "Rescue dogs ROCK!"

Thanks, to Khuzzin Merdie for the heads up!

Monday, March 22, 2010
Stumpy's special day
isn't until Tuesday.
But, a friend was having a BBQ and offered to throw Stumpy a party at the same time. I baked her a cake to take the BBQ. She'd REALLY rather NOT share it.

Baby was there. Her birthday is Tuesday. Baby doesn't like Stumpy.

Vera, the mule, was there. Vera doesn't like Stumpy, either.

Blanket was there. Blanket puts up with Stumpy because I carry cookies and treats.

When the treats are gone he heads in the other direction and hides for the duration of our visit.

There was an ancient turtle there, too.

I was going to replace the singing and dub the birthday song in, but it was too funny so You might want to mute your sound. Let me just say none of the guests cooperated with the photographer. While I was otherwise occupied the Stumpy dug in. Back to etiquette school with her!
While the other dogs ate their cake, Stumpy, the guest of honor had to pose for pictures. She was not happy! I believe she is cursing me out, yet again!

Stumpy sucks up to young Katy, hoping for another piece of birthday cake.

Happy Barkday, Bratty!
But, a friend was having a BBQ and offered to throw Stumpy a party at the same time. I baked her a cake to take the BBQ. She'd REALLY rather NOT share it.
Baby was there. Her birthday is Tuesday. Baby doesn't like Stumpy.
Vera, the mule, was there. Vera doesn't like Stumpy, either.
Blanket was there. Blanket puts up with Stumpy because I carry cookies and treats.
When the treats are gone he heads in the other direction and hides for the duration of our visit.
There was an ancient turtle there, too.
I was going to replace the singing and dub the birthday song in, but it was too funny so You might want to mute your sound. Let me just say none of the guests cooperated with the photographer. While I was otherwise occupied the Stumpy dug in. Back to etiquette school with her!
While the other dogs ate their cake, Stumpy, the guest of honor had to pose for pictures. She was not happy! I believe she is cursing me out, yet again!
Stumpy sucks up to young Katy, hoping for another piece of birthday cake.
Happy Barkday, Bratty!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Berner News
I am pretty much obsessed with this dog. I find it hard, especially in the mornings, to do ANYTHING until he arrives for breakfast. Although I have fostered feral dogs, I have never been the one to bring them in. I could put him on a leash and bring him in at this point, but he was so traumatized the last time, I don't know if that's the thing to do. Plus, I am not really set up here to keep him in the house, as I learned last time. He really needs a fenced yard. What to do what to do, anybody have a clue?
My next question is feeding. If he is only visiting and only eats so much once a day and wanders all day burning calories how can I get more calories into him. Right now, I am free feeding high quality kibble (Orijen 6 fish) which he is not eating at this point. When I am home to give him breakfast (or dinner) he gets a homemade high protien, high carb, high fat content (salmon or elk, brown rice, sweet potatoes or carrots and mineral/vitamin supplements. So I am thinking of mixing the home made with the kibble for extra bulk. Please advise.
Saturday, March 20
I discovered the Berner's weakness for cheese
I can call him up on the deck to eat AND set the bowl right at my feet!

After he eats he gets his cheese

He stayed for some scritches and a quick massage.
Instead of running right off, he sits for a few minutes, on one of Stumpy's cushions, probably hoping for more cheese.

He "talked" to me a little,too. I hear some Marshall Tucker Band lyrics in my head: "If I ever settle down, you'd be my kind. And it's a good time for me to head on down the line."
Sunday, March 21
I didn't see that darned dog all day or evening. Doesn't he know I worry?
Monday, March 22
That durned dog must have snuck in in the middle of the night and ate some kibble. He's either not too hungry or getting fussy because he didn't finish it all.
Tuesday, March 22
The Berner boy showed up within minutes of me having to leave for work; after I already pushed it passed the last minute
He ate all his dinner, had his birthday cake and his cheese and left. THEN HE CAME BACK!!! Fortunately, I had saved a bite of cake and some cheese for Stumpy, so he got those, too. (Sorry, Stumpy!)
He talked to me for a couple seconds while he paced the deck and then headed down the stairs.

He stopped about midway down the driveway, and had a little howl!
I love me a dog that howls. Stumpy is the first dog I have ever had that won't howl with me.
Then he continued on his way. Stopped and looked back one more time, before heading up the road.
Wednesday. March 24, 4:30am
I had already hit the snooze on my alarm several times when the neighbor's dogs started barking. The Berner was out on the deck eating his kibble. I keep his good eats all ready in the fridge, so they are ready when he shows up. He didn't stay long this morning. No time for a scritch. It appeared there was something up the street that required his attention as he stopped eating several times to gaze in that direction. No pictures either. It was too dark and I wasn't quite awake enough to remember the camera.
Thursday, March 25
The sun was up when the Berner arrived this morning.
He was a little flinchy and really didn't wanted to be pet.
I took some pictures from above to show how skinny he is, still.

His coat does a pretty good job of covering the truth. But, he has put on some weight. He is only coming by once a day to eat, these days. The last two days he hasn't even finished his breakfast.
He left the deck to get a drink. I have a big bucket of fresh water on the deck, but he wanted to drink out of the yucky bird 'n' bunny water.

Then he returned for more cheese, but didn't stay long.
Friday, March 26
10am and still no Berner boy, unless he came before I got up. I slept until 6am this morning. If he stopped by he didn't touch his kibble.
Finally! 11pm he shows up, eats his breakfast (it's been in the fridge all day) and then climbs into Stumpy's chair to nap!

Saturday, March 27
5:30am, He's still here! He spent the night!

By 6:30 he was gone. In spite of my keeping a half an eye on him he slipped away without me seeing :( If I had, I would have convinced him to stay a little longer, with some cheese.
noon-thirty: He's back, but I wasn't quick enough to grab the camera or his bowl. I did have some cheese on hand so he got that. He had some thorns in his chin and I stupidly grabbed his collar so I could pull them out. He didn't like that, but always the gentleman he only yipped. I got most of them out but there was one that I just couldn't grab without holding him. He's still being flinchy about pats, too.
I tried to lure him into the house with cheese, but he wasn't going for it.
Is he getting too much cheese? I wonder!
6:30pm: He's back again! Stumpy was out so she let me know. She's not liking the Berner these days. Well, not if there's food out on the deck. If she can't have that food ain't no one going to get it. Fortunately, she is easily distracted by tossing some cheese into the house. He ate his dinner, and I tossed some pieces of chees into the entry way to kind of get him going in that direction. He didn't have any problem with that. He had a roll in the driveway in the driveway before he went on his way.
Three visits in one day! I'm excited!
25 years later, I still Love Marshall Tucker Band!
My next question is feeding. If he is only visiting and only eats so much once a day and wanders all day burning calories how can I get more calories into him. Right now, I am free feeding high quality kibble (Orijen 6 fish) which he is not eating at this point. When I am home to give him breakfast (or dinner) he gets a homemade high protien, high carb, high fat content (salmon or elk, brown rice, sweet potatoes or carrots and mineral/vitamin supplements. So I am thinking of mixing the home made with the kibble for extra bulk. Please advise.
Saturday, March 20
I discovered the Berner's weakness for cheese
I can call him up on the deck to eat AND set the bowl right at my feet!
After he eats he gets his cheese
He stayed for some scritches and a quick massage.
Instead of running right off, he sits for a few minutes, on one of Stumpy's cushions, probably hoping for more cheese.
He "talked" to me a little,too. I hear some Marshall Tucker Band lyrics in my head: "If I ever settle down, you'd be my kind. And it's a good time for me to head on down the line."
Sunday, March 21
I didn't see that darned dog all day or evening. Doesn't he know I worry?
Monday, March 22
That durned dog must have snuck in in the middle of the night and ate some kibble. He's either not too hungry or getting fussy because he didn't finish it all.
Tuesday, March 22
The Berner boy showed up within minutes of me having to leave for work; after I already pushed it passed the last minute
He ate all his dinner, had his birthday cake and his cheese and left. THEN HE CAME BACK!!! Fortunately, I had saved a bite of cake and some cheese for Stumpy, so he got those, too. (Sorry, Stumpy!)
He talked to me for a couple seconds while he paced the deck and then headed down the stairs.
He stopped about midway down the driveway, and had a little howl!
I love me a dog that howls. Stumpy is the first dog I have ever had that won't howl with me.
Then he continued on his way. Stopped and looked back one more time, before heading up the road.
Wednesday. March 24, 4:30am
I had already hit the snooze on my alarm several times when the neighbor's dogs started barking. The Berner was out on the deck eating his kibble. I keep his good eats all ready in the fridge, so they are ready when he shows up. He didn't stay long this morning. No time for a scritch. It appeared there was something up the street that required his attention as he stopped eating several times to gaze in that direction. No pictures either. It was too dark and I wasn't quite awake enough to remember the camera.
Thursday, March 25
The sun was up when the Berner arrived this morning.
He was a little flinchy and really didn't wanted to be pet.
I took some pictures from above to show how skinny he is, still.
His coat does a pretty good job of covering the truth. But, he has put on some weight. He is only coming by once a day to eat, these days. The last two days he hasn't even finished his breakfast.
He left the deck to get a drink. I have a big bucket of fresh water on the deck, but he wanted to drink out of the yucky bird 'n' bunny water.
Then he returned for more cheese, but didn't stay long.
Friday, March 26
10am and still no Berner boy, unless he came before I got up. I slept until 6am this morning. If he stopped by he didn't touch his kibble.
Finally! 11pm he shows up, eats his breakfast (it's been in the fridge all day) and then climbs into Stumpy's chair to nap!
Saturday, March 27
5:30am, He's still here! He spent the night!
By 6:30 he was gone. In spite of my keeping a half an eye on him he slipped away without me seeing :( If I had, I would have convinced him to stay a little longer, with some cheese.
noon-thirty: He's back, but I wasn't quick enough to grab the camera or his bowl. I did have some cheese on hand so he got that. He had some thorns in his chin and I stupidly grabbed his collar so I could pull them out. He didn't like that, but always the gentleman he only yipped. I got most of them out but there was one that I just couldn't grab without holding him. He's still being flinchy about pats, too.
I tried to lure him into the house with cheese, but he wasn't going for it.
Is he getting too much cheese? I wonder!
6:30pm: He's back again! Stumpy was out so she let me know. She's not liking the Berner these days. Well, not if there's food out on the deck. If she can't have that food ain't no one going to get it. Fortunately, she is easily distracted by tossing some cheese into the house. He ate his dinner, and I tossed some pieces of chees into the entry way to kind of get him going in that direction. He didn't have any problem with that. He had a roll in the driveway in the driveway before he went on his way.
Three visits in one day! I'm excited!
25 years later, I still Love Marshall Tucker Band!
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