and you thought your dog had everything...
Toshiba has introduced the PetBook K9 — the world’s first laptop computer for dogs.
With a “delicious and durable organic rawhide casing,” a 3.3 megapixel doggie cam for inter-canine video conferencing and bark to text software (included), the PetBook is protected against saliva by special SlobberGuard technology.
Toshiba has introduced the PetBook K9 — the world’s first laptop computer for dogs.
With a “delicious and durable organic rawhide casing,” a 3.3 megapixel doggie cam for inter-canine video conferencing and bark to text software (included), the PetBook is protected against saliva by special SlobberGuard technology.
Very cute. FYI, I've added your blog to my blogroll so I remember to come visiting more often!
Thanks, for checking my blog out and adding it to your blogroll. One day, soon I hope, I will be able to do some original thought processing/writing. Until then I'll share what I find.
I was sorry I didn't find this in time to post for April Fools day, but it's still amusing...
That is too funny. I can't believe it. Is there a ball for the mouse?
Ps that was Hopkinton state park. We try to go to different parks/trails all the time. There are so many here. That is one thing I love about MA. Trials right outside your front door.
Thanks for your kind comments on the Charlie Project!! I got this email at work...and almost fell for it!! lol!!! You have a wonderful site here! :)
This is hillarious! Gundo is quite the blogger on the Mac....
Sloppy kisses from Gundo
Home alone wasn't bad at all. Mom's work sponsors a bus trip which cost only $25 for the round trip. Bus left Waltham at 7am arrived 11:30am in NYC and picked us up in NYC at 7pm and arrived back @ 10:30pm. It's a bit of a long day but a nice cheap quick way to visit the city.
Oh, for heaven's sake! My dogs aren't smart enough to distinguish an intruder from the next door neighbor pulling into his own driveway. They're sure as heck not smart enough to operate a laptop.
Quick question: the comment you left on my blog. Honest answer, please (seriously, my hide is tough enough to withstand a litte honest feedback) -- is the elementary retrospective getting old?
I NEED one of these!!!
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