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On New Year's Eve , I wish...
For every dog searching trash cans for breakfast, a full bowl with his name printed in bright letters.
For every dog who slept fitfully last night, chained in a frozen yard, a soft, warm bed with a person snoring gently nearby.
For every shelter dog, spending the New Year morning in a soiled run, a forever home, filled with sounds and smells of family.
For every "Christmas" puppy given this year, a tolerant, caring owner who won't abandon you as you grow into a real dog.
For every ailing pet, enough money for your owner to pay the bills to make you well.
For every lost dog, a clear, safe road, and well marked path, to lead you home.
For every old and tired friend, a warm fire, and a soft bed, to ease your aches and pains.
For every Heart Dog at the Bridge, a moment when you know that you are remembered today, missed again, and loved forever.
To all our blogger friends, 4 legged and 2, thanks for sharing your life with us. We're looking forward to sharing some more throughout 2010.
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