The REAL reason we were in NevadaAfter we left the dog park we went over to our friend and blogger
Paula's house. Paula has a friend who is selling their RV and it sounded very promising. So, from there we went to see what could turn out to be Stumpy's new house on wheels.

We loved the RV, but will get a couple of inspections, one for the chassis and one for the "house" before the final decision is made. You can read more about it
here, if you wish.
While we were there, Stumpy thought she would take a dip in the pool. Sorry! No pictures because I went into an instant panic. Not expecting her to go swimming, I hadn't shown her where the stairs were and her newly developed sense of independence kept her from listening to me (see previous posts with regard to boot camp) No, I didn't have to go swimming. She finally decided, after swimming in circles, that maybe the best plan WAS to listen. There's a lesson there, Miss Bratty!
Paula's friend has a regular little farm complete with chickens, a goat, a pig, and three horses; two of which are minis. Stumpy turned into ranch dog supreme and proceeded to attempt to herd the horses. When the full-size horse decided she wanted Stumpy dead, we called her away from the horses.
Next, Stumpy had a little visit with the goat. The goat was in no mood to play.

I was cheering for the goat, just so you know.
To Stumpy's credit, she did at least look at me when I called her.

Paula, by the way, runs the
Huppie Syndicate, a horse rescue dedicated to giving abused and neglected horses love, training and a chance for a wonderful life. The horses below are available for adoption to a wonderful home with references and the ability to care for these gorgeous animals.
Click on their names to find out more about them.
Wildflower Grace
Little Bear
Dancing In Daisies
The Huppie Syndicate also offered their help with
Alf, when I was looking for his happily forever after home.
Boot camp began yesterday,
Khyra. Your astute observation, in
yesterday's comments, forced my hand. Stumpy says, "Thanks alot!"