I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.

For me they are the role model for being alive.

~ Gilda Radner

Monday, November 30, 2009

Anyone you know?

Stumpy is a pig (no offense to any members of the suidae family.) She would eat and eat and eat, if not controlled. And she would beg. Actually, she does beg. But she does it from across the room where she is at least not in my face or drooling on my leg.) Remember, she was starved when I got her. I don't think that ever leaves a dog. Of course, some dogs are just gluttons, Like wabbit and Fenway.

Anyways, this video reminded me of the days when she first came home. My son, being the sucker that he is would sneak her food, under the table, until I realized what was going on.

When my son was very young, we lived, for a short time with my parents. They had a teeny little long-haired chihuahua, named Poca. Poca figured out if she bit Will's toe, Will would drop his fork and she could reap the reward. Will would be crying that Poca was biting (really, it was just a nibble) his toe and my parents would insist that Poca doesn't bite. It took some time for us to actually catch her in the act. And my point was????

Stumpy's sunbathing, today. The temperature is in the mid 50's, but there's a breeze out of the north, so she's catching the rays from the entryway, where the breeze is blocked. I don't very often see her laying on the floor like a dog. she must have been desperate. I know she wants me to feel sorry for her and get her a chair, or at the very least a pillow to put there.

ATTENTION, STUMPY!!! There is NO room for a chair or a pillow there!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Stumpy pic spam

Rescuing humans is kicking my butt...I'd soooooooo rather be working with dogs and horses. Bottom line, I have to be doing something and since my location prohibits working with the critters, humans it is...

Stumpy is probably glad I am not working with dogs because she knows that would mean another furry face in the house that needs attention. Attention that belongs to her!!! She loves four legged company, but she is not so good at sharing laptime. She does ok, when we dogsit, though.

I toss the ball for Stumpy, a few times a day, off the deck. Here she is at her retrieving best...

On your mark.... GET SET....

Here she comes!


Oops!! I am going to lose her!

Danged thorns!!! @#$%^&!!! things are EVERYWHERE!!! Including Stumpy's foot!

Ready now!!!

Easily distracted

REALLY ready!

A treat signals the end of the game (read: distracts her from the ball)Stumpy jumps for it..


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Let the moose live, for Pete's sake

The story of Pete and his human friend, David, is a unique tale. Pete was attacked by dogs and mauled when he was about 5 days old. Vermont Fish and Wildlife told the people who found Pete to let him die. They couldn't bear to just leave him there. So, they took him to a kind man named David Lawrence, and he nursed Pete back to health.

In saving his life & caring for him over 14 months, Pete & David forged a special friendship. But as a result of this same closeness, Pete LOVES people, and so he does not have the normal fear of Man that he should. It would have been VERY dangerous for him to be released back into the wild. So David found an enclosed, 600-acre ranch in the area that is fenced in. The Game Reserve is owned by another nice man named Doug, and he generously provided Pete a place where he (ironically)could live a wild life safe from hunters. Pete lives there along with about 120 other deer and moose that have also gotten thru the "State Designed and Approved" fence.

Enter the Bureaucrats... Now the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife wants to destroy Pete & the other animals there. Part of Pete's diet comes from from animal feed. Because of this, Vermont State Officials claim animals there could contract something called "Chronic Wasting Disease", a brain ailment that affects deer-like animals, and which can be spread animal-to-animal or via feed. And so the Dept of F&W would like to "remove" the deer and moose that now inhabit this property. And by "remove", they mean "kill". They have known about us all along, but they didn't care to try and help out a long time ago. Instead, they sat back and did nothing until now...

Pete and Dave NEED YOUR HELP! Visit Pete's webiste! to learn the ways that YOU can help Save Pete the Moose!

I know, I know! A mature rutting moose is not the creature I with whom I would choose to share my home, either. But does the government have the right to tell you that? They are killing the bison in Yellowstone using the same premise, basically. that doesn't make it right.

Learn more about chronic wasting disease and why Pete and the other animals on the property should NOT be a source of alarm or need to be "removed" from the property.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank a Veteran, today...better yet do it every day

A Pittance of Time

although the video and artist are Canadien, the sentiment should be universal, as long as our freedom requires someone to defend it.

On November 11, 1999 Terry Kelly was in a Shoppers Drug Mart store in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. At 10:55 AM an announcement came over the store's PA asking customers who would still be on the premises at 11:00 AM to give two minutes of silence in respect to the veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.

Terry was impressed with the store's leadership role in adopting the Legion's "two minutes of silence" initiative. He felt that the store's contribution of educating the public to the importance of remembering was commendable.

When eleven o'clock arrived on that day, an announcement was again made asking for the "two minutes of silence" to commence. All customers, with the exception of a man who was accompanied by his young child, showed their respect.

Terry's anger towards the father for trying to engage the store's clerk in conversation and for setting a bad example for his child was later channeled into a beautiful piece of work called, "A Pittance of Time". Terry later recorded "A Pittance of Time" and included it on his full-length music CD, "The Power of the Dream".

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hi5 event at freekibble.com 5x the kibble with each click!

Play Bow-Wow trivia on Nov. 5, and we'll donate 5 times the kibble (5 x 10 pieces) = 50 (for each answer, right or wrong... it's easy, fun and free!)
Freekibble receives 100's of emails from shelters and rescue groups across the country needing food for their hungry dogs. The Freekibble HI-5 event is a way to donate more kibble to those groups working so hard to feed their homeless dogs a nutritious meal.
Halo, Purely for Pets, is generously sponsoring this event with no limit on the kibble, so tell your friends... blog it... tweet it... post it on facebook... text it... email it... yell it out... let's feed some dogs!

Don't forget to feed the kitties!

178,257,590 pieces of kibble donated since April 1, 2008

What shelters receive donations from freekibble.com?

There are 13 shelters receiving dogfood from freekibble.com as part of a monthly program:
1.HSCO, Bend, Oregon
2.Cat Adoption Team, Portland, Oregon
3.Sanctuary Animal Refuge, Clewiston, Florida
4.Humane Society of Citrus County, Inverness, Florida
5.SPCA of Westchester, Briarcliff, New York
6.Humane Society of Forsyth County,Cumming, Georgia
7.Red Door Animal Shelter, Chicago, Illinois
8.The Cat House on the Kings, Parlier, California
9.Redmond Humane Society, Redmond, Oregon
10.SafeHaven Humane Society, Albany, Oregon
11.Orange County Humane Society, Orange County, California
12.Humane Society of the Ochocos, Prineville, Oregon
13.Home at Last Humane Society, Dalles, Oregon

Theses shelters have also received donations:
(but not on the monthly program)

1.Adopt-a-Pet Rescue / 2,500 lbs
Las Vegas, Nevada
2.Gulf Coast Humane Society / 3,000 lbs
Ft. Myers, Florida
3.Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society / 2,000 lbs
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4.Irvine Animal Care / 2,000 lbs
Irvine, California
5.Seattle Humane Society / 3,668 lbs
Seattle, Washington
6.Tacoma Humane Society / 1,820 lbs
Tacoma, Washington
7.Must Love Dogs / 2,863 lbs
Vancouver, Washington
8.Homeward Pet Adoption / 3,213 lbs
Woodinville, Washington
9.Center for Animal Care and Control / 1,500 lbs
New York City, New York
10.Humane Society of St. Joseph County / 1,200 lbs
St. Joseph County, Indiana
11.League of Animal Welfare / 1,410 lbs
Batavia, Ohio
12.Humane Society of Indianapolis / 1,016 lbs
Indianapolis, Indiana
13.Humane Society of Sarasota / 800 lbs
Sarasota, Florida
14.Mid-Florida Retriever Rescue / 800 lbs
Polk City, Florida
15.The Pennsylvania SPCA / 1,163 lbs
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
16.Boston City Animal Shelter / 1,125 lbs
Boston, Massachussetts

Stumpy says, "Go click NOW! Before you forget!!!"

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dog and owner reunited 10 years later!

Get your kleenex!

View more news videos at: http://www.nbcwashington.com/video.

Lost puppy in Edmonton, Canada! Please repost wherever you can.