The Family Tree …Wabbit – my brother, Will’s uncle
Stumpy - my sister, Wabbit’s granddaughter (she knew him as Gramps), Will’s Aunt?
Will – My son, Stumpy and Wabbit’s nephew
Fenway – Will’s dog … I need to ask him about their relationship, so I know where I am.
Sheesh, looking at this it makes me we must be from Dogpatch or Hooterville… I guess it’s the way I was raised…I have never been a 4 legged’s mother, always their sister.
Will has gone to Florida for a week, and Fenway has come to stay with us while he is away. I am thrilled, seriously!!!! Stumpy is used to having other dogs to play with, daily. Since we moved she doesn’t get enough socializing and play time with other dogs.
The first day Fenway arrived (last Thursday) these two nuts played for about 8 hours straight!!! They “fight” over every toy, ball and bone in the house, a hundred times a day; run in circles, inside and out (the zoomies, I have learned, from other blogs). And finally they crash, for an hour or so and then it starts all over again. They are so much fun to watch!!! Having Fenway here reminds me how much I enjoy having multiple dogs.
Fenway is my son’s first dog. I am proud to say I raised a responsible dog owner. Fenway is a “rescue” pup, neutered and very well behaved and socialized. Notice I didn’t say trained… Will is 24, frequently works 2 jobs, and is pretty busy so not a lot of time is spent on training. Fenway knows the basics, does them when required (he has to be told more than once), except his recall is immediate and joyful. He is a pleasure to have visiting. Even Stumpy thinks so about half the time.